Nfs File System Essay

Submitted By tcslider11
Words: 537
Pages: 3

NFS files system is a direct result of the first network file system (Called File Access Listener) developed by Digital Equipment Corporation in 1976. NFS (built over the IP protocol) was the first modern network file system. What began as an experiment, by Sun Microsystems, turned out to quickly become the standard because of its ability to interoperate with other clients and servers. This version of the protocol became much more scalable than previous versions, by supporting large files, and by using TCP as the transport protocol, thus paving the way for file systems over wide area networks. The Network File System is certainly one of the most widely used network services. NFS is based on the Remote procedure request which allows the client to automatically mount remote file systems which in turn transparently provides an access to it as if the file system is local. There are three ways to configure an NFS server. You can use the NFS Server Configuration Tool system-config-nfs, or manually edit its configuration file by using the /etc/exports command, or by using the /usr/sbin/exportfs command. You can use the following methods to specify host names: * single host — Where one particular host is specified with a fully qualified domain name, hostname, or IP address. * wildcards — Where a * or ? character is used to take into account a grouping of fully qualified domain names that match a particular string of letters. * IP networks — Allows the matching of hosts based on their IP addresses within a larger network. * netgroups — Permits an NIS netgroup name, written as @<group-name>, to be used. This effectively puts the NIS server in charge of access control for this exported file system, where users can be added and removed from an NIS group without affecting /etc/exports ("Red hat enterprise," ).
Linux requires that you manually configure Samba or some other similar tool to share files between two linux systems. SSH or Secure Shell is a program for logging into a remote machine and executing commands on that machine. Keep in mind that this is