Negative Effects Of Smartphones

Words: 846
Pages: 4

Over 90% of the American population owns a cell phone, with 65% of the people owning smartphones. A smartphone is a handheld personal computer with instant communication, immediate answers, and it has the ability to addict millions of people. These phones are constantly being used and within seconds information can be spread. They have become a major contributing factor to society’s stress. These devices can be very beneficial and make things easier. However, they are mostly destructive in the world’s environment.

Communication, one of the very most important skills is ruined by smartphones. People have lost the capability to socialize. Smartphones have taken over this aspect and have replaced it with associations only in the digital world.

Most of them didn’t grow up on technology, so it was a very exciting change to them when phones came out. However, these teenagers slowly became addicted to the devices. Smartphones have changed things drastically for them. Social interaction has become digital. For example, people will now consider spending time together as just being on their phone’s together. They will text their friends who are in the same room as them and consider this to be talking. Teenagers have lost the ability to keep eye contact because of constantly looking at their phones. Instead of enjoying moments, adolescents are taking pictures to remember them. Some even say “If you don’t take a picture, did it even happen?” However after a point, the event becomes all about the pictures that no memories are
They are always being held and people never leave without them. A 21st century hand is almost always holding a device. Some people even pay more attention to their smartphone than to another human being. Parents will be on their phone when their child is trying to get their attention. A girlfriend and boyfriend could be on their phones, hardly interacting during a meal. A teacher could be using their phone during class while a student is trying to ask a question. People aren’t listening to each other anymore. These phones have taken over. Interaction between others is becoming hard for some to achieve. The cell phone addiction must come to an end.

Overall, cell phones have some of the most negative effects to mankind. If the trend continues, people will become more and more addicted. All ages are being negatively affected by this. People must know when the right time is to use their phones. If not, relationships will be ruined and our lives as humans will be changed