NCFE L2 Certificate In Team Leading Knowledge Unit 01 Preparing To Lead The Team 2 Essay
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NCFE l2 certificate in team leading knowledge unit 01 preparing to lead the team.
Heidemarie Hamnett
Criteria 2.1
Describe the benefits of productive working relationships with colleagues.
Job satisfaction/team player
The working benefits of a happy work force is that people would be happy to come to work which would mean less sickness within the staff group, This will also benefit the whole work force as task would be completed on time with less work load for the whole team as they would not have to complete other peoples workload. This would also encourage people to value and support each other, to become a team player with the outcome of a more productive working relationship and personal job satisfaction.
Safe environment/open communication
It is important to create a safe environment of trust for all colleagues and have a mutual respect for all that you come into contact with. If colleagues feel safe and respected they are more likely to have good open communication. Good open communication will create a more productive work force as they will feel that they can discuss any concern/issues/problems that they may have with either their work load or the people that they work with, this way they are able to support each other to minimise conflict, damage to the work/activities that need to be undertaken, and to the individuals/organisation involved.
Criteria 2.3
Explain how to display behaviour that shows professionalism when dealing with colleagues.
Lead by example
It is important to lead by example, by turning up to work on time, have good hygiene, dresses appropriately make sure your clothes are cleaned and crease free and make sure you have good personal hygiene. Overall present yourself and act the way you would expect your colleagues to dress and act. It would be very unprofessional for you to have to talk to a colleague who is arriving to work late several times a week when you are yourself. This will just reinforce that you see yourself more superior then your colleagues who will lose you respect within the work force.
Don’t hide from your own mistakes/be open and honest
It is important to be up front and honest when you yourself make mistakes, this will show your colleagues that your are human, If you start to make excuses for your mistakes our try to lie and put the blame onto someone or something else your colleagues will soon lose trust and confidents in you . If your colleagues see that you are open and honest and share your concerns regards any work issue it will firstly show them that you respect their view and value their opinion. Secondly you will make yourself more approachable to your colleagues to discuss their concerns.
Equality and diversity/ be non judgemental
Promoting and implementing Equality and diversity is an important part of being a team leader. It is important as a team leader that you understand you own responsibilities regards to equality and diversity under the relevant codes of practice within your organisations policy, you understand the definition/meaning of equality and diversity. That you have a good knowledge on the legal legislation and standards that surround equality and diversity and implement an action plan for a team group as well as individual colleagues where needed. It is important to keep up to date training and refresh your skills and knowledge at all times, this is important so that you are able to filter your knowledge through discussing this with your colleagues through staff meetings, appraisals, team meetings or one to one.
By having a good understanding of equality and diversity and promoting it with within your work force your colleagues will have confidence in your ability to be able to professional and non judgemental when issues/barriers arise within our working day.
Criteria 2.4
Provide examples of potential work related difficulties and conflicts of interest with colleagues.
Criteria 2.5
Explain how potential work related difficulties and