Case Report: National Cranberry Cooperative
Fill in your name in the header. Please read the Assignment Collaboration Guidelines in Course Syllabus: Collaboration between groups is not allowed; however, if you hear something from some other group, please give a reference. Below, write your answers to Questions 1-4 (on BB/Cases). Your analysis should be based on the assumptions listed in the Syllabus. If you need to make additional assumptions to answer a question, clearly state them, logically defend them, and then proceed to answer the question accordingly. The idea is to answer the questions concisely. Double spacing is preferred, 1.5-line spacing is the minimum (consider the reader’s eye strain).
1. Analyze the current process. Using the process flow map (available on CTools) of the current process at Receiving Plant No.1, mark the capacity and utilization of each of the resources. Show the flows of wet and dry berries separately.
First we receive 18,000 barrels over a 12 hour period which leads to a 1,500 bbl/ Hr, Then 75% of 1,500 total berries per hour equal 1,125 bbl/Hr and the remaining 25% or 375 bbl/Hr are dry berries. While our Dumper is holding a capacity of 3,000 bbl/Hr and utilizing only the 1,500 bbl/Hr we are receiving. Those berries would then split up in the dry and wet storage bins. Dry bins have a capacity of 4,000 bbl/Hr which is 16 bins holding 250 bbl/Hr each. Whereas the wet bins kept a storage capacity of 3,200 with 8 bins holding 250 bbl/Hr each and 3 holding 400 bbl/Hr each. The dry berries would then go on to the 3 Destoners with a capacity of 1,500 bbl/Hr per each, which we only need one at the current rate of utilization of 375 bbl/Hr. After that the dry berries would join the Wet berries at the 3 Dechaffers with a capacity of 1,500 bbl/Hr per each, one Dechaffer is used for dry (1500 capacity) while the other two (3000 capacity) are set up for the wet and still utilizing the 375 dry berries and 1,125 wet berries respectively. After the Dechaffers the wet berries go straight to the 3 dryers whom can hold 200 bbl/Hr each with a capacity of 600 bbl/Hr and utilization of 600 bbl/Hr which is our bottleneck, leaving behind 525 bbl/hr.