CHAPTER FOUR MATERIAL AND METHOD Preparation of plant material Collections of plant: The whole plant of Nardostachys jatamansi was collected in the month of November- December from Dehradun, Uttarakhand Washing: The collected plants were washed in tap water so that the dust can be removed and after this the flowers, leaves and stem were soaked in 1% saline water for 5min. to remove microbes. Drying: Shade dry is recommended for the drying process for protection the rich vitamins and other photosensitive constituents. The plant material was spread on the sterile clean green net in a well ventilated room. Grinding: Dried plant material was crushed in small pieces and then grinded by electric grinding machine for coarse powder and the powdered…show more content… These plates should be pre-weighted previously, pipette out 10 ml extract for each petri plate from the respective conical flask and dried till the solvent loss. 10 ml of extract solution contain = X gram extract 100 ml of extract solution contain = X 100/10 =10X gram extract 2 gram powdered drug contain = 10X gram extract 100 gram powdered drug contain = 10X × 100/2 gram extract = 500X % X = difference in pre weight and final weigh Ethyl acetate…show more content… These plates should be pre-weighted previously, pipette out 10 ml extract for each petri plate from the respective conical flask and dried till the solvent loss. 10 ml of extract solution contain = X gram