Tharmiya Peranandan
Ms. Babinchak
ENG 3U1- 01
Thursday September 11, 2014
A Sudden Realization
Course selection for grade eleven were soon approaching and, I was getting further depressed. I thought I had everything together unlike others since, I knew what courses I needed to take, what university program I was planning to do and what I wanted to become in the future. The reasoning behind why I was depressed was because, my grades were not the best and I knew that, but I did not make the effort to change those terrible habits that prevented me from succeeding.
Freshman and sophomore year were not the finest years of my life, academic or social wise. Academically, I did not appreciate education . I thought education is just something to get us a decent job. Education is not only there for just for getting a job, but it lets us learn about life matters. However, when I started to pick out my courses for the eleventh grade, I had a sudden realization that everything that I accomplish in the next two years will count towards my university applications and that the choices I make right now, will have a major impact on my future. I knew I wanted to become a couple and family therapist, and for numerous reasons my first option was attending the University of Guelph for a program called Adult Development. Going through the details about that program, I found out the program’s mark requirement between a 78-80 % average. From reviewing my previous grade nine and ten averages, I recognized that I was well below that requirement.
During the summer, I took grade eleven biology at summer school and I did not like my interim mark so therefore, I decided to drop out before universities would see that mark. I was a bit upset when I dropped out because this meant I was not able to fast track, which allowed me to finish high school a semester earlier.
When the summer was coming to a close, I decided to switch schools from Old school to St. Augustine Secondary School. I had to register for the school, and when I did the vice principal and school counselor