Luqman [the wise] (alaihissalam) is an outstanding sage, whose guidance to his child has been said in the Holy Qur'an. Luqman's platitudes and the expressions of exhortation he provided for his child, contain uncommon knowledge, and a significant number of Traditions allude to "Luqman's recommendation to his child". One of these are: "O my dear child, sit in the organization of the Ulema (religious researchers) as often as possible and listen deliberately to what the savvy men say, for Allah offers life to the dead hearts by the 'Nur (light)' of intelligence, similarly as He resuscitates the dead earth by substantial nurturing downpours." They relate that once an outsider go by Luqman (alaihissalam) while he was sitting among his adherents. For, funerals help one to remember the Hereafter and merriments redirect One's consideration towards this world." "My dear child, don't eat anything, when your stomach is full; it is ideal to put sustenance before a pooch than to indulge." "My dear child, don't be sweet to the point that individuals gobble you up, nor so biting that they spit you out." "My dear child, don't be less able (in dedications) than a program which begins crowing at early first light and you be laying sleeping in bed." "My dear child, don't postpone Taubah (Repentance), for death may take you unconscious." "My dear child, don't make companions with idiots, keeping in mind that you ought to build up a preferring for their absurd talk. Also, don't bring about the ill will of a savvy man, for fear that he ought to hand far from you over nauseate (and you should he denied of getting the advantage of his knowledge)." "My dear child, let nobody yet the devout share of your nourishment and dependably counsel Ulama (religious researchers) in your Furthermore, when Allah's exceptional favors plunge upon these creatures you will likewise have the capacity to get your share of endowments; for when it downpours; showers fall on all sides of the house."
"My dear child, keep away from the organization of the mischievous individuals, for no great can be relied upon to leave partner with them. In addition, if whenever, Allah's discipline comes to pass for them, you will likewise he influenced by it." He says: "A father's discipline is as valuable for a youngster similar to the water for the fields." He says: "My dear child, since the day you were conceived, ordinary, you are getting nearer to the Hereafter with your back towards this world. In this way, your dwelling place the Hereafter is far closer to you (since you are progressing towards it ordinary, at all circumstances) than your home in this world (since you are moving more distant and more distant far from it step by