Music: Concrete and Metal Ruler Essay

Submitted By ienry
Words: 1020
Pages: 5

Ширину, длину и толщину кирпичей измеряют металлической линейкой с точностью до 1 мм записывают в протокол, например, длина 248/-2/ или 253/ 3/ , где 248 или 253 - фактическая длина кирпича, а /-2/ или / 3/ - отклонения от стандартных размеров, мм.
Степень обжига оценивают косвенно по цвету и звуку при постукивании его. Светлый тон указывает на "недожог", а темный- на "пережог". Глухой звук характеризует "недожог, а "звонкий"- "пережог". Дутики всегда в центре имеют кусочек извести. Свиливатость характеризуется спиралеобразными трещинами на постели кирпича.
Указанные преподавателем кирпичи взвешивают с точностью до 1 г, металлической линейкой измеряют соответствующие грани, вычисляют их объем и среднюю плотность, записывают в таблицу 4.2 и делают вывод о качестве каждого вида кирпича по показателям плотности.
Перед испытанием измеряют ширину и толщину кирпича по его середине, устанавливают на площадку гидравлического пресса вместе с приспособлением для испытания кирпича на изгиб с соблюдением мер по центральному приложению нагрузки.
Средняя плотность полнотелого кирпича находится в интервале1600-1900 кг/м2

Width, length and thickness of the bricks measure metal ruler with an accuracy of 1 mm is recorded in the minutes, for example, the length 248/-2 / or 253/3 /, where 248 or 253 - the actual length of a brick, a / 2 / or / 3 / - deviations from the standard dimensions, mm.
Degree firing indirectly measured by color and sound when tapped it. Light tone indicates "underburning" and dark-on "burnout." Clunk characterizes "underburning, and" ringing "-" burnout ". Dutikow are always at the center piece of lime. Svilivatost characterized by spiral-shaped cracks in the brick bed.
Said teacher bricks weighed to the nearest 1 g, metal ruler measure the corresponding faces, calculate the volume and the average density is recorded in Table 4.2 and conclude as each brick in terms of density.
Before the test, measure the width and thickness of the brick on the middle, mounted on a platform with a hydraulic press with a device for testing brick bending compliance measures for the central load application.
The average density of solid bricks is interval 1600-1900 kg / m2.

определение марки кирпича

Mark brick determined by the average and the minimum result values of compressive strength and bending.
Devices: a spherical cup, spatula, glass plates, cut-sheet paper, shovel, metal ruler, water tank, measuring cylinder, technical scales and a hydraulic press.
Materials: Portland cement is not below 300.
a) Determination of the compressive strength
Portland cement is prepared in a stainless steel bowl dough, water-cement ratio in the range 0,24-0,30.
Selected for testing bricks being cut circular saw to raspilochnom machine into two equal parts.
Before the production of samples, brick immersed in water for at least 5 minutes.
On a sheet of glass is placed in the water soaked sheet of paper on which is applied to cement paste thickness of about 4 mm and put half a brick. On the upper surface of the half-brick also put a layer of cement paste and placed on top of the other half of a brick, the excess cement paste on paper and seam cut with a knife.
To align the upper surface of the sample re-take a sheet of glass with paper and paste and, turning the piece, put it on this dough. Joint thickness and leveling layers on the top and bottom surfaces of the samples must be 3 to 5 mm. The prepared samples should be mutually parallel and perpendicular to the surface of the lateral faces
Allowed the test specimen from a cemented brick.
Produced samples are kept in the chamber normal curing at least three days at a temperature of 20 ± 30C and a relative humidity of 90-95%. Measure the line width and the length of each bed sample to the nearest 1 mm, and the area is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the measurements of the two surfaces. The samples were mounted in the center of the base plate press. Test load