Music and w. w. w. Essay

Submitted By MithrilC
Words: 2467
Pages: 10











Understanding and Remembering the Journey

Apply (Lab)
The Apply (Lab) quiz is located on this chapter ’s Assess page. It will consist of 10 questions drawn from the questions at the end of this document. You will find it easier to score well on the quiz if you determine the answers prior to taking the quiz.
Rhapsody Playlist:
1. The link to the playlist is provided above the PDF viewer window on the digital textbook’s Apply (Lab) page.
2. Because Rhapsody’s rights to recordings are constantly changing, a song may temporarily or permanently ‘fall off ’ a chapter ’s playlist. If this happens, you may be able to find it by entering the Playlist track information provided below in Rhapsody’s s e a rc h t o o l . I f n o t , t h e q u i z w i l l a l l o w y o u t o s k i p t h e q u e s t i o n a n d re q u e s t a n alternate. In this chapter, we shared with you some of what we have learned about learning with the hope that this will help you be9er understand and remember our journey together exploring the world’s music. A fundamental concept was the importance of “ac@ve learning,” as it is only if you are a dynamic par@cipant in your learning that you will learn at a deep enough level to remember what you have learned. Remembering is a func@on of your memory, and sense and meaning are highly influen@al in how easily we commit new learning to long-­‐term memory. In this first lab guide, we would like to explore with you how this might relate to music. We’re hoping you’ve had the experience of listening to a piece of music from your past and having it bring up immediate, strong memories of the @me, place, and people associated with your original experiences with the music. One of the reasons you remember the piece so well is that when it first became important to you, it made sense to you. You were probably reasonably familiar with the musical language that created the overall sound of the piece and, if it was a song, you understood the general meaning of the lyrics. You also remember the piece so well because somehow it became meaningful to you. Perhaps its significance is due to your listening to it at a cri@cal @me in your life or because you associate it with B a r k l e y & H a r t w e l l • K e n d a l l H u n t P u b l i s h i n g • G r e a t R i v e r Te c h n o l o g i e s • w. w. w. g r t e p . c o m












Understanding and Remembering the Journey

people you cared about. On this chapter’s playlist, we each chose one song to share with you and to explain why it was meaningful and significant to us.

Chapter One Playlist: “Chicago” by Crosby, S9lls, Nash and Young from 4 Way Street and “Ohio” by Neil Young
Elizabeth Barkley’s Choice
is a song from my past that I can recognize within 2 seconds of its beginning, and it quickly conjures up a host of images and feelings. The music of Crosby, S@lls, Nash and Young (CSNY) was an integral part of