Group Coursework Submission
Specialist Masters Programme
Please list all names of group members:
(Surname, first name)
1. bij ‘t Vuur, Theresia
2. Fernandes, Marco
3. Khanna, Sadhvi
MSc in: Management
4. Olaru, Ana
5. Sousa, Mariana
Module Code: SMM939
Module Title: Quantitative Methods for Business
Lecturer: Dr Hans TW Frankort
Submission Date: 27th November
By submitting this work, we declare that this work is entirely our own except those parts duly identified and referenced in my submission. It complies with any specified word limits and the requirements and regulations detailed in the coursework instructions and any other relevant programme and module documentation. In submitting this work we acknowledge that we have read and understood the regulations and code regarding academic misconduct, including that relating to plagiarism, as specified in the
Programme Handbook. We also acknowledge that this work will be subject to a variety of checks for academic misconduct.
We acknowledge that work submitted late without a granted extension will be subject to penalties, as outlined in the Programme
Handbook. Penalties will be applied for a maximum of five days lateness, after which a mark of zero will be awarded.
Marker’s Comments (if not being marked on-line):
Deduction for Late Submission:
Final Mark:
Group A4 |
Some notes that will help you analyse this report: (i) A 10% significance level was used for the entire report.