After collecting all the observations it is very clear that Asa is a very bright girl .She loves to talk she always listen to the teacher. She shares with other children most of the time. She takes turn; she is a very good story teller she looks at the pictures and makes up a story. Ezra is her best friend and when Ezra is around most of the time she prefers to play with her. She can write Ezra's name and love to talk about her.
Academically, she is above the average children. She can do a lot more than other children can do at her age. She can write her name. She knows all the alphabets and numbers up to 20. She knows the names of all the colors. Asa can cut the papers into different shapes. She can run with control very fast and can hoop on one foot. She throws balls and can catch them back and kicks the soccer ball. She speaks in extended sentences. She is 55 inches in height and her weight is 45 pounds. Developmentally she is growing perfect in all the areas of growth for her age.
According to Piaget, the four-year-old is in the preoperational stage of development. One main characteristic of a four-year-old is their egocentric, or self-centered, thinking. They believe that everyone sees the world as they do. They also tend to fix on one aspect of a situation and ignore others, and they cannot mentally reverse a series of events or steps. The typical four-year-old stands about 34 to 43 inches in height and weighs 25 to 44 pounds with a more adult-like