All of the Public Services offer different kinds of employment opportunities with a wide range from sports to promotions. The 6 main Public Services that I am going to discuss are the Army, RAF, Navy, Police, Ambulance and Fire and Rescue Service.
The Army are the main ground force for the UK as they specialise on the ground. The Army does have an air side to the structure but they are not as effective in the air as they are on the ground. The main purpose of the Army is to protect the UK from any threats from made from overseas countries/ terrorist as well as to peace keep in several countries such as Afghanistan, Cyprus and there are also other countries that they are currently peacekeeping in at the minute.
The Army offer loads of employment opportunities and some of these are competitive sports, promotions and adventurous activities. Some of the competitive sports that they offer are rugby, football, cross country and many more, these activities are against other armed forces such as the Navy and RAF.
There are many different regiments within the UK and some of them are; the Royal Armoured Corps, Royal Regiment of Artillery, Corps of Royal Engineers, Royal Logistic Corps, Royal Army Chaplains’ Department, Adjutant General’s Corps, Royal Army Medical Corps, Royal Army Dental Corps, United Kingdom Special Forces (Reserve), Royal Army Physical Training Corps, Brigade of Ghurkhas, Army Air Corps and Royal Corps of Signals.
The Navy are the UK`s water force as they primarily specialise on the water. The Navy is also the oldest branch of the military and they have now picked up a nickname and this is “Senior Service”. The Navy have a very similar structure to the Army and one of the similarities that they have is that they send out patrols of areas. When the Navy send out patrols on the water they generally cover around 80,000 square miles around the coast of the UK.
There are many different areas of the Navy that someone could apply for and some of these are; Royal Armoured Corps, Royal Regiment of Artillery, Corps of Royal Engineers, Royal Logistic Corps, Royal Army Chaplains’ Department, Adjutant General’s Corps, Royal Army Medical Corps, Royal Army Dental Corps, United Kingdom Special Forces (Reserve), Royal Army Physical Training Corps, Brigade of Ghurkhas, Army Air Corps and Royal Corps of Signals
The RAF is the UK`s air fighting force as they specialise in the air flying planes. The RAF ar4e there to protect the UK`s airspace at all times. With this main purpose of the RAF they are also involved within air fights and gathering intelligence from the enemy and passing it on to the other armed forces responsible. The RAF isn’t all about flying planes and gathering information as they are also there to transport different supplies (food, drink) over to other countries for the ground force to carry out their jobs correctly. Alongside this they also transport equipment and even people to go out to the front line.
The RAF offers some great employment opportunities from the pay to competitive sports. Some of the employment opportunities on offer are competitive sports, promotion which increases the pay for the RAF personnel. The competitive sports that they can take part in are; football, rugby and many more. When they take part in these they can play competitive against the Army and the Navy.
There are 8 main components of the RAF and these are; Royal Armoured Corps, Air Operations Support, Aircrew, Communications and Intelligence, Logistics, Medical and Medical Support, Personnel Support, Security and Defence and Technical Engineering.
The Police service is designed to protect the United Kingdom and its citizens from