Arsenic and Old Lace by Joseph Kesselring is a classic comedy film from 1944. Set in Brooklyn, New York, two of the main characters are Jonathan Brewster and Mortimer Brewster. These two brothers are alike in some ways, but very different because of their characteristics, appearances, and occupancies. Characteristics vary in many different adjectives. Jonathan Brewster, the older brother, is very "off-setting," rude and cruel. It shows when he reminisces on how he used to torture Mortimer when they were children. Jonathan would put needles and pins under Mortimer's hands, so would poke himself. On the other hand, Mortimer is extremely kind and humorous. His fiancé, Elaine, is very needy and is always nagging Mortimer, but he still hugs and kisses her no matter what, especially while she's in mid-sentence. Mortimer's actions towards the people around him show he's not only nice and funny, but loving as well. Unlike Jonathan. Not only are the Brewster brothers' personalities different, but their appearances too. As brothers, you would expect them to sort of resemble each other, but not if they wear disguises! While Mortimer's disguises are rather simple and is only a hat and trench coat, Jonathan's is to the extreme. Jonathan Brewster's disguise consists of getting facial transplants! He has a doctor that travels with him whenever he "needs" a new face. The great contrast between what the brothers do to disguise themselves show that Mortimer is a