Moral Arguments And Dilemmas On Aristotle's Nichmachean Ethics
Submitted By jack07x
Words: 381
Pages: 2
Moral Arguments & Dilemmas
Virtue-Based Ethics
Emphasizes “character” over actions, duties, rights or consequences
The question is “what kind of person should I be?” rather than “What should I do?”
Aristotle’s Nichmachean Ethics is a fundamental text in this theory
Stresses the importance of:
Role models,
“Practical wisdom,” and
Moral education (character development)
Positive character traits….
… that allow people to habitually act in a manner that benefits others and themselves
Examples: compassion, courage, generosity, loyalty, honesty
Opinions about virtues vary depending on time and place
Medieval Christians: humility, chastity, obedience, faith
18th century Europeans: frugality, industry, cleanliness, tranquility
Aristotle’s Views
Virtues are means between two vices
Cowardice – COURAGE – rashness
Stinginess – GENEROSITY – wastefulness
Shamelessness – MODESTY – bashfulness
Advantages of Virtue-Based Ethics
1. Provides a moral practical, less theoretical moral framework
2. “Provides the correct amount of moral motivation”
3. “Allows us to give weight to special relationships” as we make ethical deliberation
4. “A more flexible FUCK
Problems for Virtue-Based Ethics
Requires a degree of cultural relativism suggesting there are no universal ethical principles
Doesn’t necessarily help resolve moral conflicts
Depends on individual (perhaps flawed) perceptions or understanding of role models’ behaviors
Moral Pluralism
“moral reality consists in multiple and competing moral values”
“every consistent moral theory contributes something to our moral understanding, but no theory can claim that it is entirely accurate”
Moral Arguments & Dilemmas
Moral Arguments
An argument consists of premises offered in support of conclusion
Moral arguments must include