Mongol Empire and Following Statements Essay example

Submitted By alyssaxxfaith
Words: 4230
Pages: 17

Test on Chapters 12-14

1. The period of political disorder and chaotic warfare that followed the Qin-Han era is referred to as the
a. Era of Division.
b. Time of Troubles.
c. Jurchen invasion era.
d. Mongol Conquest.
e. Warring States era.

2. Which of the following statements concerning the situation at the end of the Qin-Han period is most accurate?
a. Non-Chinese nomads ruled much of China and a foreign religion, Buddhism, eclipsed Confucian teachings.
b. The central authority of the imperial government was rapidly reestablished under the Chou dynasty.
c. Aristocratic families rapidly lost ground to the growing influence of the scholar-gentry.
d. Patterns of life established during the Qin-Han era faded rapidly.
e. Despite the disappearance of imperial unity, the centralized bureaucracy continued to function as before in the capital of Beijing.

3. What made possible the rapid revival of empire under the Tang?
a. the brevity of the period of political dislocation
b. massive grain imports
c. the willingness of the Tang to abandon traditional approaches to government
d. the abandonment of Confucianism in favor of the more widely practiced Buddhism
e. the preservation in the many kingdoms of the Confucian traditions that had been central to Chinese civilization

4. What made the reunification of China under the first Sui emperor possible?
a. the support of the nomadic warrior elite
b. the support of the ethnic Chinese aristocracy
c. the threat of barbarian invasion
d. the support of the Confucian scholar-gentry
e. the support of the Buddhist monasteries

5. What led to the downfall of the Sui dynasty?
a. widespread Buddhist rebellion
b. the dissatisfaction of the Confucian scholar-gentry
c. excessive expenses associated with grandiose building projects and military campaigns
d. a deranged emperor
e. nomadic invasions

6. Which of the following statements concerning the extent of the Tang Empire is most accurate?
a. The Tang Empire stopped expanding and was divided into three parts.
b. The Tang Empire was unable to recover the territorial extent of the Han, but did recover northern areas from the nomads.
c. The Tang extended the empire in all directions except westward, where the Turks remained entirely independent of the Chinese emperor.
d. The Tang Empire incorporated India and Southeast Asia as well as the areas north of the Yellow River plain.
e. The Tang built an empire that was far larger than that of the early Han, an empire whose boundaries in many directions extended beyond the borders of modern China.

7. What was the attitude of the Tang emperors toward the Confucian scholar-gentry?
a. The Tang supported the resuscitation of the Confucian scholar-gentry, often at the expense of the aristocracy.
b. The Tang continued to support and patronize the growth of Buddhism in China at the expense of the Confucian scholar-gentry.
c. The Tang feared the development of the scholar-gentry and continued to support the nomadic aristocracy of China.
d. The scholar-gentry declined while the middle class rose.
e. Confucianism continued to wane during the Tang dynasty and was only resuscitated under the Song.

8. Which of the following statements concerning entry into the Chinese bureaucracy is most accurate?
a. Under the Tang family connections ceased to be of significance, as all candidates received office based on their score in the examination system.
b. Although a higher percentage of candidates received office through the examination system than during the Han dynasty, birth continued to be important in securing high office.
c. Although the examination system continued to be monitored, almost all official received positions as a result of family connections.
d. Only candidates in law were judged solely on their exam scores.
e. The examination system was eliminated during the Tang dynasty, and only members of the imperial family served in the bureaucracy.

9. What was the impact