A spreadsheet optimizer uses sophisticated, but standard, numerical methods to solve equations. These methods are usually iterative, that is they start with a first approximation, or “guess”, and by successive trials home in on the optimal result. There are a number of different methods of optimization available, and the user must be confident in the method employed, because some methods may not yield a solution to particular problems, or there may be multiple solutions in some cases.
For illustrative purposes, Matysiak’s main example is reconsidered here. It has been implemented in this case using Microsoft’s Excel[6] version 5 for Windows spreadsheet, which includes an optimizer called Solver[7]. Similar optimizers are to be found in other spreadsheets; Quattro Pro and Lotus 123 for example, and indeed the results shown below have been confirmed using Quattro Pro.
The example takes the form of a classic asset allocation problem. Here we are seeking to evaluate an investment portfolio which will consist of a mixture of real estate assets only. In essence the problem is to find a mix of these assets which will optimize the risk-return combination with the objective of either maximizing portfolio return or minimizing portfolio risk (see below).
Initially, a scenario type approach is used by Matysiak to assess the relative performance of each asset class under
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