Mod 3
What types (turtles) are typically found in Florida? o Green sea turtle o Hawksbill turtle o Leatherback turtle o Kemp's ridley turtle o Loggerhead turtle
What types (turtles) are typically NOT found in Florida? o Olive ridley turtle o Flatback turtle
What are the 2 main parts (upper and lower) of a sea turtle shell called? o Upper - carapace o Lower - plastron
Can a sea turtle's shell heal if injured?
Do sea turtles need to drink freshwater?
No, they absorb the salt through special glands
Do we typically find sea turtles in cold water areas?
No, however the leatherback has been found around Maine and Canadian borders
Large headed sea turtles are called what type of sea turtle
Loggerhead sea turtle
What do we look for to help determine the SEX of a sea turtle?
If it has a longer, thicker tail that extends beyond the hind flippers, it's most likely a male; if not, it's more than likely a female.
What do turtles eat? o Flatback - sea cucumber o Leatherback - jellyfish o Hawksbill - coral o Green - seaweed
Will moonlight make a nesting female abandon her nest?
What general things do humans do to harm sea turtles?
Photograph (using flash), litter, boat during mating and nesting seasons
Difference between a sea turtle, terrapin, and a tortoise sea turtles: aquatic, have flippers, omnivores terrapin: semi-aquatic, can live in brackish water, usually small
Tortoise: almost exclusively land dwelling, elephant-like feet
What are the general mating seasons for loggerhead sea turtles?
March to early june
Positive human Impact beach renourishment, replanting of sea grasses, and ecotourism, coastal cleanup
Why are seagrasses important to an estuary ecosystem? sea bottom, provide food and habitat for many marine organisms, maintain water quality and support local economies
Mangroves absorb and recycle various organic materials and nutrients, Mangroves serve as a nursery areas for fishes, crustaceans, and shellfish. They also provide food for a multitude of marine species.
Endangered Species Act (ESA)
Federal agencies start progrms to conserve important habitats, create an