A Note On Mitoses

Submitted By Reegan-Sereaton
Words: 712
Pages: 3

Mitoses are a type of cell division whereby the chromosomes in a cells nucleus are separated into two identical sets of chromosomes each in its own nucleus. Mitoses usually results in two genetically identical daughter cells developing from a single parent cell, and is immediately followed by cytokinesis, which in turn divides the cytoplasm, organelles, cell membrane and karyokinesis. Mitosis is used by unicellular (an organism consisting of only one cell i.e., bacteria) organisms to reproduce; it is also used for the growth of organic tissue, fibres and membranes. Due to the sister cells being identical, any organism conceived by mitoses will be genetically identical to each other and its parent cell, this includes organisms such as clones and human twins.
Unlike Mitosis, Meiosis does not divide into two identical daughter cells but instead is the division of germ cells. The division of these germ cells involves two fissions of the nucleus which give rise to four gametes;(gametes being sperm for human males and eggs for females) however the division of these germ cells can also produce sex cells each possessing less than half the original number of chromosomes from the original cell. Meiosis is typically found in the sexual reproduction of organisms (I.e., Sperm contains 23 chromosomes and the eggs also contains 23 and when combined have a total of 46). This combination of 23 chromosomes from each sexual partner will cause the offspring to be genetically different from its parents (although they will share some similarities).

Prior to popular belief these two methods of cell reproduction actually share a few similarities; these similarities include how both methods of cell reproduction both involve forms of cell division. Meaning it takes one cell and makes it into multiple cells. The number of resulting cells depends on which process is being carried out, another example of how they are similar is the fact that both Mitosis and Meiosis allow for replication. Mitosis leads to cellular replication. Meiosis leads to organism replication.
Mitosis and Meiosis have several differences an example of some of these differences include the fact that mitosis is a processes whereby the cells divide into two, therefore producing a replica with an equal amount of chromosomes in each diploid cell. Whereas meiosis is a type of cellular reproduction in which the total number of chromosomes are reduced by half through the separation of homologous chromosomes producing two haploid cells. The function of these reproductive cells is also different in the way that mitosis is a type of cellular reproduction that focuses on the growth and repair on the body whereas meiosis focuses on genetic diversity through reproduction.
Other differences include ~
Mitosis occurs in all organisms whereas meiosis does not
Mitosis is asexual whereas meiosis is sexual
Mitosis is genetically identical whereas