Missing Island Short Story

Words: 762
Pages: 4

On the horizon of the South Sea there was a band of pirates. Ace, the leader of the pirates, was a tal0l, scruffy looking young man, with black hair and blue eyes. He used a cutlass as his main weapon, but also had a dagger and flintlock pistol. Axcell, whom was Ace’s right hand man, was a tall, pale, young man. He had somewhat long, blonde hair with brown eyes, and his ideal weapon was a dagger with a flintlock pistol. Lileigh, the navigator, was a tallish girl with big blue eyes and long, red hair. Though she mainly just stayed on the ship waiting, or roaming the islands making a map, actually being responsible, and never needed any kind of weapon. She did have a staff just in case she gets into some kind of trouble. Then there was Mai, Lileigh’s
Sky Island was an island that was placed in the sky, the only way you could get there was to go up a backwards waterfall. Missing Island was an island hidden in fog and mist that was known to be there but was hard to find. It took about two days to get there, but when they did, it wasn’t a very warm welcome. They originally started their journey to get some food and possibly find some adventures along the way. However, the people on the Island weren’t very fond of pirates mainly because they are simply barbarians. Even though the people in the village thought that the band of pirates were complete scoundrels, Ace was able to convince them that they weren’t going to invade them. The pirates were eventually welcomed on the
It had just been a small rumor around town that most people thing is a simple myth. Axcell, being his nosy self, decided to interrupt their conversation in order to ask about the mist. Particularly, he hates reading, however, Lileigh loves reading. Axcell told the crew about the rumor he’d heard and Lileigh took it upon herself to research it. She went to the library expecting it to be a small, dainty building, but found it to be a large, snazzy building. It had millions and millions of books lined up against the walls of the building from floor to ceiling, wall to wall. Though there were millions of books in the library, it seemed to only have a few books on the rainbow mist, but they were very factual and detailed. She checked them out and stayed up all night reading them while the others were sleeping. She was quite confused at first, but quickly got very fascinated by them as she started to understand. In the morning, she informed everyone about what she read the night before, and they decided to stay on the island and wait for the mist to