Microscope Review Essay

Submitted By marcymoose
Words: 412
Pages: 2

Microscope Review

The diagram represents a cell in the field of view of a compound light microscope. In which direction should the slide be moved on the microscope stage to center the cell in the field of view? down towards C

A student views some cheek cells under low power. Before switching to high power, the student should
Center the image being
Focus with the coarse adjustment

A student changes the objective of a microscope from 10x to 50x. If this is the only change made, what will happen to the field of view?
The field of view will decrease.
The amount of light will decrease.

When an onion cell is stained with iodine, which organelle becomes more visible under the compound light microscope?


To locate a specimen on a prepared slide with a compound microscope, Why must a student should begin with the lowpower objective rather than the highpower objective?
The field of vision is larger under low power than under high po.er

1. Which substance could be added to the slides to make the details more visible? a stain
2. What is the name of the stain used for animal cells? methylene blue
3. What is the name of the stain used for plant cells? iodine The diagram represents the field of view of a compound light microscope. Three unicellular organisms are located across the diameter of the field. What is the approximate length of each unicellular organism?


Give the name and function of each structure labeled.
A – Eyepiece / Ocular: structure you look through
B – Fine adjustment: used to focus under high power
C – Arm – used to hold the microscope D –