Microbreweries: Restaurant and Theme Park Essay

Submitted By aTardisGeek
Words: 815
Pages: 4

WK5 Hosp

Sommelier: Beer and Wine from Microbreweries – Wineries

The benefits of being a Wine Sommelier are vast including having the knowledge of the many different wines that are available, the way they are prepared, the regions they come from, what scents and flavors they have, how to pour and much more. Usually someone who is in this profession has a very high interest in making people happy by pairing the absolutely best wine with their food or just for having friends over. Some go on to have their own vineyard are open restaurants that feature their own brand of wine.
The benefits for Beer Sommeliers are things such as being able to give the customers the best beer to go with their steaks or cheese just like wine but they believe the beers carbonation lifts the fat and flavors of the cheeses off your palate to give you a fuller and richer experience. The Beer Sommelier can even tell you what to bring to a house party or tailgate event. Most people who are that interested in knowing everything that has to do with beer go on to open their own microbrewery or pub restaurant after practicing at their own house. Usually it takes years to be able to find the blend that is different from what is on the market now.
The Challenges facing them are mostly too much rain, heat or other climate issues for grapes to make your wines, the financial obligation that comes with upkeep on your breweries or wineries. Keeping the same flavor from bottle to bottle and making sure you can market and sell enough to keep you going.

Cocktail Bar Attendant or Owner
The benefits of working or owning a cocktail bar or pub would be having the opportunity to be around people and see them happy. Being able to have a specialty bar or have special nights that draw in fun crowds. Owning your own bar would give you the chance to have a hip place for people to get to go hang out at. If you love making different drinks and coming up with your own concoctions then being a bar tender is a great career for you or even if you own the bar and want to make the drinks yourself. There are many different things you can do that would all be fun and could be very different and interesting.
The challenges would be making sure that you can deal with people who may become drunk and belligerent, making sure that you have enough money to keep your place going, making sure you have the proper insurance to cover your business. Making sure that you are able to keep up with the hours is very important and can wear a lot of people down. You have to make sure that you have something different than other people because the biggest problem that you will face other than having enough money is the competition. With the economy and the way people drink when they are depressed, the competition to get the money is fierce. Having enough money to advertise and maintain your establishment is a big factor. * What can a club manager do that a restaurant manager cannot