Essay on Microbiology: Bacteria and Degrees Celsius

Submitted By nalasunny
Words: 668
Pages: 3

Task 2:
Obligate aerobe: this type of microbe requires oxygen to grow.
Facultative aerobe: these type of microbes can live in the presence or absence of oxygen.

L-acidophilus: The temperature requirements of L-acidophilus to acquire the best and maximum growth is 37 degrees Celsius. L-acidophilus means acid-loving-milk bacterium. It is a species of the genus Lactobacillus. It grows best at a temperature of 37 degrees Celsius and a pH of 5.0 or below. It is found in the human body in the mouth, vagina, and GI tract. It is also considered to be a probiotic and is used in dairy products like yogurt. ( S-epidermidis: the temperature requirements of S-epidermidis to acquire the best and maximum growth is between 26-37 degrees Celsius. It is a facultatively anaerobic microbe. It belongs to the genus staphylococcus and part of the human skin flora. It is found in the mucous membranes. (
Controlling the growth of microbes is important in settings such as hospitals, industry, and food preparation facilities. Controlling microbes helps prevent illness.
Here are some examples of different mechanisms to control the growth of microbes: * Sterilization: this is the destruction of microorganisms, endospores, and virures in canned foods and cultured media. It uses steam, incineration, or ethylene oxide. * Antisepsis: is the reduction of microbes and viruses on tissue. It uses chemical antimicrobials like alcohol or iodine. * Aseptic: this is to be free of pathogenic contaminants like handwashing, flame sterilization, and preparing surgical instruments. * Disinfection: this is the killing of microbes and viruses on nonliving tissue with use of physical or chemical agents. For example, phenols, alcohols, surfactants, and aldehydes. * Degerming: this is the removal of microbes by mechanical means such as cleaning with an alcohol wipe or hand washing. * Pasteurization: this uses heat to kill pathogens. Examples include pasteurized juice and milk. * Sanitation: this is the treatment to remove microbes on objects. This can include washing with high temperatures and disinfectant baths.
Culture Media: this is defined as a nutrient material that is used for the growth of microorganisms. They must be sterile in order to maintain the integrity of the microbe that is being grown. It also must contain the correct moisture, nutrients, pH, and oxygen levels for the specific microbe to grow. Here are some different examples of Culture media used: * Agar: this is a polysaccharide made from red algae. It is used to grow microbes in Petri dishes. * Chemically defined medium: the exact chemical composition is used and must contain growth factors that serve as a source of energy and carbon.