A) Organizational Culture Concept
B) Dimension of Michel et Augustin’s organization culture
C) Analyse of the culture
A) Organizational Culture Concept
Organizational culture has been described as the shared values, principles, traditions, and ways of doing things that influence the way organizational members act. In most organizations, these shared values and practices determine how “things are done around here”.
Firstly, let’s define culture. It implies three concepts:
1) Perception: It is not something that can be physically touched or seen, but employees perceive it on the basis of what they experience within the organization.
2) Description: It concerns how members perceive the culture and describe it, not whether or not they like it.
3) Shared: Even though individuals may have different backgrounds or tasks at different organizational levels, they tend to describe the organization’s culture in similar terms.
Research suggests seven dimensions that can be used to describe an organization’s culture. These dimensions range from low to high, meaning it is not very typical of the culture (low) or is very typical of the culture (high).
Now we are going to determine and, then, analyse the dimension of Michel & Augustin’s culture.
B) Dimension of Michel et Augustin’s culture
People Orientation: Degree to which management decisions take into account the effects on people in the organization
“Michel & Augustin” describes itself as a people oriented company.
Thus, here are the points that make this enterprise people oriented:
Decisions are taken involving everyone’s point of view
Respect and a pleasant working atmosphere are considered to be equally important and complementary aspect for employees.
The company’s DNA relies on listening to others and sharing Employees are actors of the company and are responsible for its success
The Management is defined, by employees, with the following keywords: Sharing/ Atypical/ Spontaneous/ Happiness
In the start-up a very special vocabulary is in use, for instance: “troublemaker” instead of “employee” or “tribe” instead of “team”.
Innovation and Risk Taking: Degree to which employees are encouraged to be innovative and to take risks.