1.1 Identify different reason why people communicate
People communicate to give and receive information and instructions.
To express our needs and feelings, to understand and to be understood, to express feelings, to share experiences, also to build relationship with others, socialize with others, to ask questions.
1.2 Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of own work Effective communication is important as it ensures that information is clear and accurate, this reduces the possibility of mistakes being made, and ensuring appropriate care service is carried out. It is important to work as a team with other members of staff, so that you all work to achieve the same outcomes and targets.
1.3 Explain why it is important to observe an individuals reaction when communicating with them
Communication is a 2-way process, sending information to the other person is not simply but also you have to know if the other person has understood the message you sent to them properly.
When communicating face to face, the person listening may not always be able to say that they have understood what you have said to them, but buy observing their body language may help us to know that they have understood what you have said to them.
3.1 identify barriers to communication There are many different barriers that effect they way we communication to each other.
By speaking a different language or when someone uses sign language, sensory barriers when someone cannot receive or pass on information because they impairment to one or two of the senses, such as hearing or even seeing.
Many of us have Emotional difficulties at times and can become very upset, you may have receive some bad news or argument with a member of your family, this can affect your communication by not being able to focus properly and can lead to misunderstanding and mistakes.
One is the tone of your voice, with a quiet tone an elderly service user may not hear everything you are saying, if your using a loud tone the service might think you are stereotyping by thinking all elderly adults are hard of hearing. The speed of the way you talk is also very important if you talk to fast your service user may not understand.
3.4 identify sources of information and support or services to enable more effective communication
Speech and language service can help and support people who may have had a stroke or have problem with their speech.
Advocacy services can support people who are unable to speak up for themselves, this tries to understand their needs, wishes and their preferences, and will argue on their behalf.
Interpreting services can help by converting spoken language to another language.
4.1 explain the term ‘confidentiality’ Confidentiality means not sharing information about people without their knowledge and agreement. This alos means that any written information cannot be accessed by people who have no reason to see it, confidentiality is very important because service users may not feel valued they also may not trust care workers who does not keep information from others who do not need the use for it, this also can put the services user at risk if their details or any other information is shared to others.
4.3 Describe situations where information normally considered to be confidential might need to be passed on. Sometimes the information about the service users may need to be pass on if there is a risk of danger or harm to the client or may be other people.
Mrs. smith who has got bowel cancer and has poor prognosis admitted under our care. McMillian team is contacted and she is also end of life for provision of best care like pain relief to prevent unnecessary admission to hospital. The information about her health condition, which can be confidential, needs to be passed on in order to