Michael Fitzpatrick Essays

Submitted By mikemanhi2012
Words: 1706
Pages: 7

Ar and used it to add bubbles to water, in the process he invented soda water. Three years later in 1775, another chemist by the name of Torbern Bergman invented carbonated water by extracting the substance created when adding sulfuric acid to chalk. Torbern was the first to successfully mass produce soda water. This drink became so popular that people around the world tried to discover new ways to produce it.
Soon others began experimenting with new methods to make the soda water taste better. These included adding different flavors and extracts. Customers wanted to take the soda home, so the new companies put it in bottles. The new bottles could not contain the carbonation, so specials caps needed to be invented to seal them. "Soda was originally called "pop" because the bottle caps used in the 1890's made a popping noise when removed from the bottle". (Science Fair Projects Chemistry, 2000).

Did you know Coca-Cola was originally invented to be used as a medication for curing headaches? On May 8th 1886, a pharmacist by the name of John Pemberton was creating tonics and medications in his backyard. "His earlier inventions were "French Wine Coca", "Lemon and Orange Elixir", "The Ideal Nerve Tonic", and "Pemberton's Indian Queen Magic Hair Dye"(mistakes that worked, 1991). That day John was trying to create a tonic to relieve exhaustion, cure headaches, and calm people's nerves. When John was mixing his ingredients, he used a kettle so large that the only way he could stir it was with a boat oar. Then a very fortunate mistake occurred. When the batch was cooling, John unintentionally added carbonated water instead of regular water, which gave it a fizzy consistency. When he tasted it, he thought it was delicious. He quickly ran over to the local pharmacy and started selling it under the name Coca-Cola. Did you know that Coca-Cola stood for the coca leaves and cola nuts that were in his original recipe?

Carbon dioxide is used to produce carbonated soft drinks and soda water. However beer and soda get their carbonation in totally different ways. Traditionally, the carbonation in beer and sparkling wine came about through natural fermentation. Today many manufacturers carbonate these drinks with carbon dioxide recovered from the fermentation process. In the case of bottled and kegged beer, recycled carbon dioxide is the most common method used. All beer leaves the brewery carbonated. This is accomplished in one of two ways: natural and forced carbonation. In forced carbonation the beer and carbon dioxide are placed together in a container and pressure is added until the carbonation is infused into the drink. In natural carbonation, the carbonation is gained by the fermentation process. The fermentation process happens when yeast that is added to the beer feeds off the sugar in the mix and creates carbon dioxide. This is then collected as the yeast mixes with the beer.

Carbon dioxide (chemical formula CO2) is a natural, chemical compound made by joining two oxygen atoms to a single carbon atom. It exists in our atmosphere as part of the carbon cycle known as photosynthesis. "Plants, algae, and cyanobacteria absorb carbon dioxide, light, and water to produce energy for them" (cdiac, 2012) and oxygen as a waste product. In darkness, photosynthesis cannot happen. Due to this, small amounts of carbon dioxide are produced. Carbon dioxide is also produced by the combustion of coal or "hydrocarbons", the fermentation of liquids, and the breathing of humans and animals. In addition it is emitted from volcanoes, hot springs (soda springs), geysers, and other places where the earth’s crust is thin. This is then freed from carbonate rocks by the process of dissolution. CO2 is also found in lakes and very deep under the sea, commingled with oil and gas deposits. Carbon Dioxide is essential in many of the Earth's ecosystems. Carbon dioxide was one of the first gases to be described as a substance