Margaret Nicholson
MGMT530 – Conference Decision
Week 2 Case Analysis Template
1. Define the Objectives for the Conference Decision Case. Objectives should be separated into fundamental and means objectives.
Fundamental objectives:
1. To hold the conference to help the success of the company.
2. Arrange the conference at another location and have as little as possible impact on the people who are attending the conference.
Means Objectives:
1. See if there is any way that the conference can be held in New Orleans.
2. Help keep the business in New Orleans.
3. Try not to cancel the conference.
4. If the conference is moved to another city, try to keep the same date and find low price hotels for the people who attending.
2. Identify the alternatives for the case.
Fundamental Objectives (used to evaluate and compare alternatives) One of the fundamental objectives of this case is to hold the conference since the success of the company depends on holding the conference. Another fundamental objective is to have the conference and not inconvenience the people who are attending the conference.
Means Objectives (used to generate alternatives and deepen your understanding of the decision problem)
In the case study, the city of New Orleans has been shut down due to the hurricane on TV. Not everything that is seen on TV is true. There is still a possibly that the conference can still be held in New Orleans. If the conference is moved it will take money away from a city that needs the income and people who attending might not want to go to another city for the conference.
The first thing I would do is start calling hotels in New Orleans. The media can sometimes blow things out of proportion. If hotels in New Orleans cannot