Essay about Meow

Submitted By pinkcatsoup
Words: 1549
Pages: 7

Preventing HIV and risk.
Preventing HIV and risk.
The average teenager feels as if she or he could not possibly get HIV. Most believe that HIV only happens to other people. However, many teens are getting infected and are now living with HIV (HIV+). Not using condoms also puts teens at risk for other sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs). In fact, one-fourth of all STDs each year occur among teens. This is especially alarming because the presence of an STD greatly increases a person's chances of getting or passing on HIV. Someways to staying safe from hiv is by abstain from sex, till a covenant marriage relationship, with somebody, of a similar status; that's, if you're single. You'll then be expected, to be faithful to one another.
The average teenager feels as if she or he could not possibly get HIV. Most believe that HIV only happens to other people. However, many teens are getting infected and are now living with HIV (HIV+). Not using condoms also puts teens at risk for other sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs). In fact, one-fourth of all STDs each year occur among teens. This is especially alarming because the presence of an STD greatly increases a person's chances of getting or passing on HIV. Someways to staying safe from hiv is by abstain from sex, till a covenant marriage relationship, with somebody, of a similar status; that's, if you're single. You'll then be expected, to be faithful to one another.
The truth about human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune defiance syndrome.
The truth about human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune defiance syndrome.

Mr. Johnson
Mr. Johnson
Period: One
Period: One
Lupita Linarez
Lupita Linarez

The symptoms of HIV.
The symptoms of HIV.
Some people who contract HIV experience very strong symptoms, but others experience none at all. Those who do have symptoms generally experience symptoms similar to the common cold or flu: fever, fatigue, and, often, rash. Other common symptoms can include headache, swollen lymph nodes, and sore throat. These symptoms can occur within days or weeks of the initial exposure to the virus during a period called primary or acute HIV infection. Many infections that are not HIV can cause similar symptoms, including mononucleosis, viral hepatitis, other sexual transmitted infections, and viral hepatitis. Stress and anxiety can also produce similar symptoms in some people, even though they do not have HIV.Because of the nonspecific symptoms associated with primary or acute HIV infection, symptoms are not a reliable way to diagnose HIV infection. Testing for HIV antibodies is the only way to know whether you have been infected; however, the HIV antibody test only works after the infected person's immune system develops antibodies to HIV. During the "window period" between the initial infection and the period in which antibodies are detectable (which can be from 2 weeks to 6 months, but is usually around 3 months), standard HIV antibody testing may be negative, even though a person is infected--it is too early for the antibody test to be positive. However, HIV can be diagnosed during this window period with a test that looks for the HIV virus itself, and not the body's response to it.
Some people who contract HIV experience very strong symptoms, but others experience none at all. Those who do have symptoms generally experience symptoms similar to the common cold or flu: fever, fatigue, and, often, rash. Other common symptoms can include headache, swollen lymph nodes, and sore throat. These symptoms can occur within days or weeks of the initial exposure to the virus during a period called primary or acute HIV infection. Many infections that are not HIV can cause similar symptoms, including mononucleosis, viral hepatitis, other sexual transmitted infections, and viral hepatitis. Stress and anxiety can also produce similar symptoms in some people, even though they do not have HIV.Because of the