Memo on Dhs to President Essay

Words: 2246
Pages: 9


To: President Obama
CC: Teacher
From: Student
Date: 7/25/2013
Re: Department of Homeland Security

Department of Homeland Security

Mr. President,

I am sending you the following correspondence in reference to the Department of Homeland Security and its structure. I wish to examine the arguments for the existence of this department and the concepts and information provided in my “Police Administration” textbook about the department. I ask you to consider the question “Is the feeling of heightened security worth the risk of eroding our individual Constitutional rights and freedoms?” In this memo, I will provide my opinions to you, the President of the United States of America, on how this Criminal Justice Agency

Hundreds of thousands of people from across the federal government, state, local, tribal, and territorial governments, the private sector, and other nongovernmental organizations are responsible for executing these missions. These are the people who regularly interact with the public, who are responsible for public safety and security, which own and operate our nation’s critical infrastructures and services, who perform research and develop technology, and who keep watch, prepare for, and respond to emerging threats and disasters. These homeland security professionals must have a clear sense of what it takes to achieve the overarching vision articulated above.

There are five homeland security missions: Prevent terrorism and enhancing security; Secure and manage our borders; Enforce and administer our immigration laws; Safeguard and secure cyberspace; Ensure resilience to disasters;

In addition, DHS must specifically focus on maturing and strengthening the homeland security enterprise itself. As I’m sure you’re aware, as of late, DHS has come under a large amount of skepticism due to the NSA leaks. These ties directly into the question I initially asked, Mr. President. Again, the question is “Is the feeling of heightened security worth the risk of eroding our individual Constitutional rights and freedoms?” It’s evident that Americans sincerely have no rights of individual privacy or freedom anymore. You claim that the