Essay Melbourne Party Goers

Submitted By la1ee
Words: 520
Pages: 3

5. B) Stages a Bill must go through before it becomes a law:
Reason or need for a change in law
A new law may be needed or current law may need to change because the community values have changed, expectations of the legal system, community awareness, the need of government departments, nature of business or commerce, technological change or pace of change in the community.
Formal and informal pressure on Parliament
Pressure to introduce a new law or change an existing law may come for the following places:
Formal mechanisms – Political parties, members or parliament, Victorian law reform commission, ministerial advisers and public service.
Informal mechanisms – Petitions, demonstrations, civil disobedience, direct approaches, submissions, media and political action.
Initiation and policy determination
Government may decide to change or introduce law. The executive made up of the Premier and Cabinet ministers, will discuss the change or new law and adopt it as policy. Cabinet will approve draft Bill by the relevant minister. Final cabinet of the bill is usually sought before the Bill is introduced into parliament.
Drafting of the bill
A Parliamentary Counsel, who is also a lawyer, prepares a draft Bill in consultation with the relevant minister and government department (public service). Before going into parliament this Bill must be approved by Cabinet or the party caucus.
Passage or progress of a Bill through both houses of a parliament
Bill goes through both houses of parliament is achieved through an extensive process of debate, checking details, and suggesting and forcing amendments.
C) The parliamentary process took 5 years to change the law, as the law was getting tougher and tougher. The advantages of this law taking long to be processed is that the people within the community’s mind set may have changed over time. The di _______________________
6. The Justice Legislation Amendment Act 2011 introduces a number of new offences which includes police given the right to: tell offenders to move on, search hot spots, may arrest and place offenders