medical diagnoses Essay

Submitted By davidfian
Words: 703
Pages: 3

Two Medical Diagnoses- 1. Urinary Tract Infection A urinary tract infection, UTI, is an infection that can happen anywhere along the urinary tract. Urinary tract infections different names, depending on what part of the urinary tract is infected. Acute cystitis occurs when the kidneys. ureters, bladder, and urethra are infected. Pyelonephritis is when it affects the upper urinary tract, kidney infection. UTIs are very incomfortable and if left intreated they can lead to serious illness. A. Causes of Diesease UTI is from E. coli bacteria and yeast which is spread from the rectal and vaginal meatus. UTIs are most common among females because women have a short meatus that is in close proximity to vagina and rectum. Once the bacteria or fungi have reached the opening of the meatus, they have a clear shot into the urethra and can enter the bladder. The things we eat and fronk can also trigger urinary tract infections. The chemicals that is put in foods for preservatives and soft drinks can make it easier for the organisms to colonize on the wall of the urinary bladder. Additices in foods, such as high fructose, caffine, and alcohol can increase the likelihood to develop UTIs.Food high in sugar content can promote the growth of bacteria and yeast. Dehydeation can trigger a UTI, inadequate hydration can put stress in the kidneys, heart, and immune system. When the immune system is compromised, bacteria can multiply much easier in the urinary tract. Other factors include diabetes, overuse or misuse of antibiotics, sexual activity, contraceptives, and allergies. B. Signs and Symptoms of Disease Process Urinary tract infection doesn't always cause signs and symptoms, but they do they may include: A strong, persistent urge to urinate A burning sensation when urinating Passing frequent, small amounts of urine Urine that appears cloudy Urine that appears red, bright pink or cola-colored (a sign of blood in the urine.) Strong-smelling urine High fever Chills Pelvic pain, in women Rectal pain, in men C. CNA Nursing Interventions Offer plenty of water to the patient. Reminding the patient to take their antibiotics. 2. General Muscular Weakness Muscle weakness is another term for generalized weakness that refers to a lack of strength in one or more muscles. This could be caused by rigorous exercise or by a medical condition. Muscle weakness can be catergorized as true or perceived. True muscle weakness, the motor neurons are damaged and don't stimulate the muscles as they normally would. Perceiced weakness is when the person needs to exert more effort than normal to perform tasks. Muscle weakness can also be central, neural, or peripheral. A. Causes of Disease Common causes of weakness include: influenza insomnia medication side effects (often seen with mild tranquilizers used to treat anxiety) polymyositis (inflammatory muscle disease) chemotherapy hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E blood loss More severe causes of weakness include: cancer stroke heart attack