Jamie A. McGrath
Professor Leanne Ralstin
January 17, 2015
Black & White or Color? That is the Question In the world of Digital Photography there is many a war going on and one of those is whether to shoot in Black and White or Color. You will see what happens when you transform a picture from color to black and white and vice versa. Once transformed things in the pictures will be pointed out to you that you may not have seen before transformation or that blend into the picture after transformation. The eyes hold all the knowledge in this essay and by the end; you will be questioning it yourself. Since the evolution of digital cameras, color photography seems to have grown in popularity due to the much wider audience of professionals and amateurs alike. This has also made cameras less expensive and more accessible. With that said, amateurs do not even think about shooting in black and white because they can just go home and edit their photos on their computers. Because of this option, most point and shoot cameras now do not even offer monochrome (black & white) as an option to shoot with anymore. This is were transformation comes into play for most professional and amateur photographers. Remember, even the best photographers have to edit sometimes.
Now to show you why there is such an ongoing controversy about black and white Vs. color photos. In this still life, you can see in the black and white photo the car definitely looks classic and in mint condition but you miss out on the details of the color photo below. Here you can see the paint job is pristine, chrome everywhere, and look at the engine, as clean as the day it way bought! It really all depends on the photograph you are taking as to