Master: Queens Park Rangers F. C. and Session Topic Essay
Submitted By alfieferg10
Words: 1055
Pages: 5
Coaching Programme
Foundation Phase: Under 6 – Under 11
1. Coaching Philosophy
2. Coaching Programme
3. Coaching Syllabus
4. Player Pathway
1. Coaching Philosophy
The coaching philosophy at QPR for younger age groups under 6 – 11 is underpinned by the players enjoying themselves and having fun within an open and learning environment. Our sessions are predominantly based on being high tempo, with lots of short breaks, but varying levels of intensity overall. It is important that the players are getting lots of touches of the ball, whilst learning and developing football skills which are executed with good technique.
Children in these age groups learn by doing and experimenting, the environment allows the freedom to express and make their own decisions. Developing fundamental movements is also part of their education and our coaching at QPR. The playing style is dictated by the philosophy which encourages the players to look for opportunities to be positive, aware and to play football to their teammates feet or to space.
2. Coaching Programme: u6 – u8
The coaching programmes and syllabus are derived from the philosophy and our beliefs at QPR regarding the development of the players in the foundation phase. There is a greater focus on skills development and ball mastery as an individual. There is also more of an opportunity for the coaches to have fun community style games. The young players will also have warm-up and circuits focusing on fundamental movements and high intensity. Although the syllabus is prescriptive, there is choice for the coaches in that the 7th week, there is no prescribed session theme, leaving this open to the decision of the coach.
0 - 15 Minutes: Warm-up and Circuits
15 - 35 Minutes: Session Topic
35 - 55 Minutes: Small Sided Games
55 - 60 Minutes: Debrief and Cool Down
The session topic will change each week so the children are given the opportunity to experiment every aspect of the game. All sessions are delivered in a fun, inter-active and challenging way where the session topic will be incorporated into the small-sided games. The small-sided games are at the discretion of the coach as to how they are delivered. This is the opportunity for the players to just play and the coaches are encouraged to not over-coach here and let it flow. Setting different challenges and conditions will vary the games for the players and give them different decisions to make.
2. Coaching Programme:
u9 – u11
The Coaching programme is very similar for the development age groups of U9-U11 in its philosophy, emphasis and delivery. The real difference between the two groups is the content, details of the sessions and its topic. For example an 11 year old would start to learn about tactics and positions during a game, where as a 6 year old would be encouraged to just have fun as much as possible during the game.
0-15 Minutes: Warm-up and Circuits
15-35 Minutes: Session Topic
35-55 Minutes: Small Sided Games
55-60 Minutes: Debrief and Cool Down
The syllabus theme is delivered how the coach wishes, and will generally progress from an unopposed to an opposed practise. This is where the main “coaching” will occur, but the practise should still flow and give the players the licence to learn themselves, problem solve and ask questions. It is important that good demonstrations are shown and by the coaches on the technical points. Various learning aids might be used by the coaches to aid their session. For example a tactics board (or white board) to aid visual learns in the group.
3. Coaching Syllabus
The table below names the topics to be covered each week during the term and how topics are delivered is down to the coach.
u6 – u8
Session Topic
Week 1:
Ball Mastery - Skills related to the game
Week 2:
Control - Basic control techniques