Marmosets: Callitrichidae and Marmoset Habitat Essay

Submitted By kylersladyk
Words: 357
Pages: 2

a.k.a. Callithrix

By Kyler Sladyk

Basic Facts
● The Marmoset genus should be proud that they have the worlds smallest primate in the world the Pygmy Marmoset
● And they always stay in groups of about 414 to prevent predators from catching then so easily

Marmoset Taxonomy
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Callitrichidae
Genus: Callithrix

Callithrix penicillata a.k.a. Black-Tufted Marmoset
Habitat: Found in forests in the Cerrado of Central Brazil
Food: Tree Sap, Insects
Behavior: Lives in groups of
2-14 and is Diurnal
Reproduction: These
Marmosets are monogamous and invest a lot of time into their young

Callithrix jacchus a.k.a. Common Marmoset
Habitat: These guys live in Brazil as well as Argentina
Food: Commonly they eat insects and tree sap
Behavior: They run with all fours using their claw like hands and feet
Reproduction: The gestation period of these white tufted
Marmosets is 5 months

Callithrix geoffroyi a.k.a. White-Headed Marmoset
Habitat: Restricted to small fragments of the Atlantic
Rainforest in Central to South Eastern Brazil
Food: Again like the others they eat tree sap and insects
Behavior: To show dominance usually they mark their territory
Reproduction: If one female is mating in a group them all other females stop ovulating

Callithrix humeralifer a.k.a. Santarem Marmoset
Habitat: Usually found only in Brazil
Food: Insects, fruits, gums, small vertebrates, flowers, and leaf buds.
Behavior: They communicate by lip-smacking, tongue protrusion, and raising their eyebrows
Reproduction: Almost always the offspring are two fraternal twins

Works Cited
"Common Marmoset Callithrix