Believe it or not the Orlando Universe had a solid presentation, and finished third place in the presentation rankings, in front of the St. Louis Cicada, just saying! We had quite the presentation which surprised almost our whole class, and to be honest surprised me quite a bit as well. The group was able to communicate all our information clearly to the audience and made sure that all the information being presented was understood by the audience. Personally I thought that Ryan C, and Matt led the group during the presentation, they projected their voices very well, they made the information easy to understand, and made it interesting for the audience, like when Carmichael started to model our Orlando Universe bag, it made the audience laugh and kept them in the presentation, but the only problem is that we do not know if the audience was laughing with him or at him! All the group members knew their parts and nobody really struggled when trying to get their point across. There is not a whole lot that I would change in our presentation, just a few minor things. Firstly I would have put up all the statistics we came up with so that the judges could have visually seen it rather than Carmichael just saying it. Secondly, we as a group could have been a little more prepared and practiced the presentation a few times so that we knew exactly what to say and how we were going to present it.
Group Analysis
This was definitely one of the most unorganized groups i have been apart of during high school, but in the end we all came together and put together a very solid bid for
Orlando. At the start of the this project our group really struggled, it took us weeks to get our logo, and a lot of the work was completed by Matt Oxenham and myself. The group had a tough time agreeing with each other at times, but usually we could come up with some sort of solution to any problems we encountered, and there were a lot of problems we encountered. After we had a group discussion and a couple of our group members got called out i think we all but one member came together and really focused and got our jobs