Marketing Plan
Executive Summary - may be the only parts ever read by top management, so it is of great importance to write this section carefully.
Corporate Connection - next year’s marketing strategies & tactics must support strategic decisions.
Market research - Why?
No matter how good your product and your service, the venture cannot succeed without effective marketing. And this begins with careful, systematic research. It is very dangerous to assume that you already know about your intended market. You need to do market research to make sure you’re on track. Use the business planning process as your opportunity to uncover data and to question your marketing efforts. Your time will be well spent.
Market research - How?
There are two kinds of market research: primary and secondary.
Secondary research means using published information such as industry profiles, trade journals, newspapers, magazines, census data, and demographic profiles. This type of information is available in public libraries, industry associations, chambers of commerce, from vendors who sell to your industry, and from government agencies.
Start with your local library. Most librarians are pleased to guide you through their business data collection. You will be amazed at what is there. There are more online sources than you could possibly use. Your chamber of commerce has good information on the local area. Trade associations and trade publications often have excellent industry-specific data.
Primary research means gathering your own data. For example, you could do your own traffic count at a proposed location, use the yellow pages to identify competitors, and do surveys or focus-group interviews to learn about consumer preferences. Professional market research can be very costly, but there are many books that show small business owners how to do effective research themselves.
In your marketing plan, be as specific as possible; give statistics, numbers, and sources. The marketing plan will be the basis, later on, of the all-important sales projection.
Facts about your industry:
What is the total size of your market?
What percent share of the market will you have? (This is important only if you think you will be a major factor in the market.)
Current demand in target market.
Trends in target market—growth trends, trends in consumer preferences, and trends in product development.
Growth potential and opportunity for a business of your size.
What barriers to entry do you face in entering this market with your new company? Some typical barriers are (where applicable):
High capital costs
High production costs
High marketing costs
Consumer acceptance and brand recognition
Training and skills
Unique technology and patents
Shipping costs
Tariff barriers and quotas
And of course, how will you overcome the barriers?
How could the following affect your company?
Change in technology
Change in government regulations
Change in the economy
Change in your industry
Environmental Analysis and Forecasting - hospitality marketers are expected to be aware of major environmental factors likely to affect the industry and the company.
In the Products and Services section, you described your products and services as you see them. Now describe them from your customers’ point of view.
Features and Benefits
List all of your major products or services.
For each product or service:
Describe the most important features. What is special about it?
Describe the benefits. That is, what will the product do for the customer?
Note the difference between features and benefits, and think about them. For example, a house that gives shelter and lasts a long time is made with certain materials and to a certain design; those are its features. Its benefits include pride of ownership, financial security, providing for the family, and inclusion in a neighborhood. You build features into your product so that you can sell the benefits.
What after-sale services will
Marketing Plan Template Name Company/Product Name (Insert Logo if you have one) Principles of Marketing Winter Session 2013 Prof Hatin BE SURE TO WRITE THIS PLAN IN 3rd PERSON 1.0 Executive Summary (Write this last, it is a summary or synopsis of the entire plan) 2.0 Situation Analysis (Summary of section) (The Marketing Environment –include Political, Legal, Socio-Cultural, Economic, Technological forces) 3.1 Market Needs(Summary) 3.2 The Market(Summary)…
COURSE DESCRIPTION Introduces basic marketing principles and concepts. Emphasis is placed on the development of marketing strategy and the major components of the marketing mix (product, price, promotion, and distribution). Reviews the critical environmental factors of markets, domestic and international, and customer behavior characteristics that affect marketing operations. Highlights the integration of marketing with other functions in a business organization. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Required…
Business plan template - instructions This page will take you through the process of using the business plan template, which you can download from our website. The template asks a number of detailed questions about your business - its markets, costs, etc. You will need to do some research in order to complete the template. This may take some time, but once your business is up and running you'll be very glad you spent time preparing a solid plan. Using the business plan template 1. To start on…
Name: Business Plan for: (Please use this template in conjunction with the guide Prepare a business plan, where you will find information about how to use your business plan as well as instructions on how to use this template) Business plan contents Executive summary 4 1 Executive summary 4 2 Business details 5 3 Key personnel 6 Vision 8 4 The business idea 8 5 Business goals 9 6 What the business does 10 7 What makes the business different 11 8 Legal requirements… BUS 599 Week 1 Discussion "Company Description" Throughout this course, you will develop a series of written papers / projects that you will later combine into a complete business plan for a Non-Alcoholic Beverage company. For this discussion, you must first review the “NAB Company Portfolio”. The mentioned portfolio contains the company parameters and details you must follow when developing your company. Provide the following information…
effective business plan | | If your business is all in your head, it's hard to convince lenders, investors and shareholders that you have a credible company and that you'll use their funding well. And that's precisely where a business plan comes in. This highly recognized management tool is basically a written document that describes who you are, what you plan to achieve, how you plan to overcome the risks involved and provide the returns anticipated. Often people think of business plans are limited…
punctuation are considered in your overall grade. This exercise does not require the use of APA format or a cover page. Throughout this course, you will develop a series of written papers / projects that you will later combine into a complete business plan for a Non-Alcoholic Beverage company. For this exercise, you must first…
Guide to preparing MARKETING PLANS (Your Cover Page) [pic] Revised November 2011 Marketing Plans • Act as a roadmap. • Assist in management control and the implementation of strategy. • Inform new participants of their roles in implementing the plan and achieving objectives. • Assist in helping to obtain resources. • Stimulate thinking and the better use of resources…
BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE MG110 Introduction to Business Park University Online Program This is a template showing the required information for each week of the Business Plan Project. You may use it, or create your own. If you create your own, all of the information found below must be included. It is acceptable to include appropriate graphics as long as they relate to the concept being discussed. The purpose of this project is to help integrate concepts to a real or hypothetical business. It…