Marketing Mix - Tesco Poland Case Study Essay

Words: 3653
Pages: 15


List of figures 3

List of Tables 3

Introduction 4

1. Marketing mix using Tesco Poland as an example 5

1.1 Products 5

1.2 Price 6

1.3 Place 6

1.4 Promotion 7

1.5 People 7

1.6 Process 8

1.7 Physical evidence 9

1.7.1 Parking 9

1.7.2 Buildings 9

1.7.3 Stores/decor/furnishings 10

2. Micro environment - competition 11

2.1 Tesco vs. Biedronka (Ladybird) 12

2.2 Tesco vs. Carrefour 12

2.3 Comparison of the top 3 retail chains in Poland 13

2.1 Current and potential threats to Tesco in Poland 16

3 Suggested recommendations 16

References 17

Appendix 1 Tesco - relations with suppliers and producers of goods...................................................19

Appendix 2

Warehouses can store a lot of products at different temperatures, and thus provide more efficiency in terms of cost in relation to daily deliveries to all stores. Warehouses operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Delivery vehicles for wholesale composite have trailers, divided into chambers, so they can keep three different temperature levels at the same time.
There are three main distribution centres in Poland (Tesco, 2010): • Teresin near Warsaw – 55 000 m2 (fresh and dry food) and 30 000 m2 (manufacturers), • Strykowo – 18 000 m2 (ensures delivery to the smaller shops) • Legionowo – 17 000 m2 (ensures delivery to the smaller shops).

Overview of the relations between Tesco and its suppliers is given in Appendix 2.

Figure3. The biggest logistics base and the main distribution center of Tesco Poland. Teresin near Warsaw.

9 Promotion

Promotion is based on informing consumers about products or services, and the company itself in order to create preferences for them on the market. Tesco Poland uses most of the available means of communication/promotions to gain customers: • sales promotion (offer of the week, special offer, hit of the month, buy now pay later, discount price, buy one get one free/half price – rarely used) • advertising (TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, billboards, internet, adverts on public transport vehicles and Tesco’s transport, adverts in own stores, shopping centres and parking) • personal selling