Map Search Essay

Submitted By NicoleL04
Words: 408
Pages: 2

Emotion map of east paris

This is the east Paris emotion map. This was finished by Christian Nold with 18 local people commissioned by Gallery Ars Longa. The device measured the participants’ emotional arousal in relation to their geographical location in the city. On the map, the walks are represented by blue lines tracing the paths that people walked. The areas of high emotional arousal are represented by red clusters. These emotions are not necessarily positive or negative. It shows both the love and hate to some exact places or area. the white dots indicate where the participants added textual annotations to describe the variety of events and sensory stimuli that caused their emotional reactions during their walks. We can see that the general ambience is one of calmness but there are a few clearly defined annotation and high arousal clusters. This particular map of Paris presents a continuous’ event space’ of flowing interactions. We can know more information about this city through these clusters and annotations that participants’ love and hate things in this city.

Seoul map

It’s mapped by an international student in Korea.

Fear map

This map shows a little area in Salford, which includes the River Irwell, the Bridgewater Canal and the buildings of the University of Salford. A huge variety of factors play a part in whether we feel comfortable and safe in any particular setting. Also, the perception of fear is a useful way to gauge people’s instinctive, subjective reaction to the urban