Manager: Lung Cancer and Smoke Free State Essay

Submitted By gaygrant1
Words: 1106
Pages: 5

Gay Grant Assignment #2 Ashmir Nasturdol Managerial Epidemiology February 10, 2001

1. Compose an analysis of lung cancer as compared to other leading causes of death in your state. Include the mortality rates and the costs of lung cancer (for the most recent year reported) in your analysis. This means that one of the biggest causes and key factors of obtaining the life threatening disease is second-hand smoke living with or near smokers. The second most common key factor associated with lung cancer in Virginia is exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is classified in America according to the Centers for Disease Control, as a known carcinogen, or other words, deadly cancer causing agent. Last but not least, exposure to radon is the third most caused reason for lung cancer not only in the state of Virginia, but nationwide. Exposure to radon is statistically shown to cause at least 21,000 deaths per year by giving our lung cancer. Radon is an order less gas that can damage lung tissue if exposure is prolonged. Virginia has been taking cautious steps in trying to bring down the exposure to lung cancer from second hand smoke In order to reduce the risk of spreading the disease to others, . Virginia has issued a statewide ban on smoking in workplaces, bars, and restaurants. This ban was signed into a law in January of 2010. Smoking is also banned in all Virginia correctional facilities This law however does exempt smoking in bars where there is a private club or the use of cigars are necessary or common. All in all however. Virginia has been taking the necessary steps in insuring that its citizens are safe from second-hand smoke and the risk of receiving lung cancer from it. Two new tactics that I recommend could help aid in the decline of lung cancer in Virginia would be a mandatory checking for asbestos in all houses and work environments.
2. Analyze the three (3) key risk factors associated with lung cancer as it pertains to your state. Tobacco smoke - Smoking is the leading risk factor for lung cancer. About 80% of all lung cancer deaths are thought to result from smoking. Cigar smoking and pipe smoking also cause lung cancer. Secondhand smoke - Even if you don't smoke, breathing in the smoke of others (called secondhand smoke or environmental tobacco smoke) can increase your risk of lung cancer. Hookah smoking has become popular among young people. Studies have shown that hookah smoke contains the same cancer-causing substances as cigarettes. Radiation therapy to the chest; lung cancer in you (or a family member) in the past; air pollution, especially from heavily trafficked roads in cities.
3. Rank the three (3) key risk factors from order of biggest public health concern. Provide statistics or specific evidence from your state to support your ranking. No symptoms: In up to 25% of people who get lung cancer, the cancer is first discovered on a routine chest X-ray or CT scan as a solitary small mass sometimes called a coin lesion, since on a two-dimensional X-ray or CT scan, the round tumor looks like a coin. These patients with small, single masses often report no symptoms at the time the cancer is discovered. Symptoms related to the cancer: The growth of the cancer and invasion of lung tissues and surrounding tissue may interfere with breathing, leading to symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, chest pain, and coughing up blood (hemoptysis). If the cancer has invaded nerves, for example, it may cause shoulder pain that travels down the outside of the arm (called Pancoast's syndrome) or paralysis of the vocal cords leading to hoarseness. Invasion of the esophagus may lead to difficulty swallowing (dysphagia). If a large airway is obstructed, collapse of a portion of the lung may occur and cause infections (abscesses, pneumonia) in the obstructed area. Symptoms related to metastasis: Lung cancer that has spread to the bones may produce