Management Theory and Communications Midterm Cc Essay

Submitted By zjaychang
Words: 2065
Pages: 9

Efficiency: A measure of how well or how productively resources are used to achieve a goal. Effectiveness: A measure of the appropriateness of the goals an organization is pursuing and the degree to which they are achieved.
Decisional Roles associated with methods managers use in planning strategy and utilizing resources: Entrepreneur, Disturbance handler, Resource allocator, Negotiator. Interpersonal Roles that managers assume to provide direction and supervision to both employees and the organization as a whole: Figurehead, Leader, Liaison. Informational Roles associated with the tasks needed to obtain and transmit information in the process of managing the organization: Monitor, Disseminator, Spokesperson,
Core competency: Specific set of departmental skills, abilities, knowledge and experience that allows one organization to outperform its competitors, Skills for a competitive advantage.
Empowerment: Involves giving employees more authority and responsibility over the way they perform their work activities.
Building Blocks of Competitive Advantage: Efficiency, Quality, Innovation, Responsiveness to customers.
Turnaround management: creation of a new vision for a struggling company using a new approach to planning and organizing to make better use of a company’s resources to allow it to survive, and eventually prosper. Global Crisis Management: Natural causes, Manmade causes, International terrorism, Geopolitical conflicts.
Scientific Management: The systematic study of the relationships between people and tasks for the purpose of redesigning the work process to increase efficiency. Taylor’s 4 Principles: 1.Study (Time-and-motion study) 2.Written rules and SOP. 3. Workers’ skills & abilities match the needs of the task. 4.Develop a pay system for reward. Fordism: 1.Reduce the length of the workday. 2.Double the basic wage. Conveyor belt controls the pace of the work. Gilbreths study of fatigue: studied how physical characteristics of the workplace contribute to job stress that often leads to fatigue and poor performance.
Administrative Management: The study of how to create an organizational structure that leads to high efficiency and effectiveness.
Max Weber’s principles of Bureaucracy-5 principles:1.Clearly specified hierarchy of authority.2.Seclection and evaluation system that rewards employees fairly and equitably.3.Clearly specified system of task and role relationships.4.system of written rules and standard operating procedures that specify how employees should behave.
Foyol’s 14 principles of Management
Behavioral Management: The study of how managers should personally behave to motivate employees and encourage them to perform at high levels and be committed to the achievement of organizational goals.
Mary Parker Follett: Suggested workers help in analyzing their jobs; if workers have relevant knowledge of the task, then they should control the task.
Hawthorne effect: workers’ attitudes toward their managers affect the level of workers’ performance and increase their productivity
Douglas McGregor proposed two different sets of assumptions about workers. Theory X: A set of negative assumptions about workers that leads to the conclusion that a manager’s task is to supervise workers closely and control their behavior. Theory Y: A set of positive assumptions about workers that leads to the conclusion that a manager’s task is to create a work setting that encourages commitment to organizational goals and provides opportunities for workers to be imaginative and to exercise initiative and self-direction.
Management Science Theory: Contemporary approach to management that focuses on the use of rigorous quantitative techniques to help managers make maximum use of organizational resources to produce goods and services.
Organizational Environment Theory
Open System: A system that takes resources for its external environment and transforms them into goods and services that are then sent back to that