“... the processes and techniques that focus on the efficient and effective use of organisational resources, to support managers in their tasks of enhancing both customer value and shareholder value”
• Financial and non-financial information, work processes,
employees, committed customers, and suppliers –
Shareholder value
• The value that shareholders or owners place on a business
Customer value
• A customer’s subjective evaluation, of how well a product meets or exceeds expectations
• Cost accounting is a process that involves measuring, analyzing, and reporting information (both financial and non-financial) relating to the cost of acquiring and using of resources in the organisation to produce (1)
Goods and/or (2) Services
Management Accounting is the process that involves measuring, analyzing, and reporting financial and nonfinancial information that helps managers to fulfill the goals of the organisations
Choosing, communicating , and implementing the business strategy (planning and control)
Coordinating business activities along the value chain
Sustainability – ‘development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’ (Brundtland 1987).
MATH 221 Integrated Learning System Week 3, Lecture 1 More Discrete Probability Distributions Objectives: At the end of this presentation you should be able to find probabilities using the geometric distribution and the Poisson distribution. Definition A geometric distribution is a discrete probability distribution of a random variable x that satisfies the following conditions: 1. The trial is repeated until a success occurs. 2. The repeated trials are independent. 3. The probability of success…
2014 Mondays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays 10:30am-11:35 am Blackman Auditorium (Ell Hall) Professor: Junauro Landgrebe Office: 337 Ryder Phone: 617.373.7473 Email: J.Landgrebe@neu.edu (email is preferred) Office Hours: Wednesdays 12 PM – 1 PM or by appointment Teaching Assistant: Brian Bergeron Email: RockHistoryTA@gmail.com Course Objective: The objective of Rock Music is to examine the origins of the style and trace it’s evolution from the popular music styles of the 1920’s…
Operations Management, Prentice Hall EFIM30014 Lecture 1 (2) What are Operations? • ‘The physical processes by which companies take in raw materials, convert them into products and then distribute them to customers (often other business customers rather than the consumer or end-user). It is a vital part of the business process and ranks highly in the responsibilities of management.’ Financial Times (1997) Mastering Management Series, FT Pitman EFIM30014 Lecture 1 (3) 4 A simple transformation model…
business operates. The course consists of 16x one-hour lectures and 9 one-hour workshops. The lectures are used to illustrate the key points under each topic as well as real business examples. Workshops will be used for case studies and applications of the material covered in the lectures. The aim of the module is to introduce the student to the way in which a firm can achieve sustainable competitive advantage through strategy. The course aims: 1. To discuss key concepts and debates in the theory…
BFF 5230 Global Financial Markets Lecture 1: Introduction to international financial markets Do you have a disability, medical or mental health condition that impacts on your study? The Disability Liaison Unit (DLU) provides a range of services for registered students including: • • • • Notetakers and Auslan interpreters Readings in alternative formats Adaptive equipment and software Alternative arrangements for exams For further information and details about how to register: Email: dlu@monash…
some of the weeks that are not shown in the schedule and will be announced via D2L or in-class. For each topic, I have also identified some of the readings that correspond to my video lectures. But, you can find pretty much all of the definitions of terms, explanations of most the statistical stuff that I discuss in the lecture on the Internet (Wikipedia and other credible sources). So, be proactive and go learn on your own if you are unclear about any topic covered in the video lecture. I expect you…
archive file of ACC 557 Week 5 Discussion Questions includes the next points: DQ 1: Does today's information technology environment help or hinder ethical actions within an organization? Explain. DQ 2: Would it ever be beneficial for an accountant to include ethical standards in a contract? Explain. How about in an information technology system? Explain. Business - Accounting ACC 557 Entire Course Accounting Ethics / University of Phoenix All Weeks, Assignments, Discussion…
comes from the following sources: 1. The textbook 2. Lecture Slides 3. Weekly Readings (weeks 11 & 12) What to expect: You may find some weeks more challenging than others – however, the content is roughly evenly distributed. Just because there are more lecture slides in a given week doesn’t mean that there is more content…
AFF2631 Financial management Unit Guide Semester 1, 2012 The information contained in this unit guide is correct at time of publication. The University has the right to change any of the elements contained in this document at any time. Last updated: 23 Jan 2012 Table of Contents AFF2631 Financial management - Semester 1, 2012.............................................................................1 Mode of Delivery..............................................................…