1. What contractual issues should the contractor pay special attention to before signing the demolition contract? Massive and sophisticated demolition work predates the establishment of the proposed developmental property on the Maltese islands. However, the construction sector in Malta is plagued by myriad constraints and limitations, rendering the nation acutely incapable of successfully conducting the demolition through local efforts. The staff at the disposal of even the largest demolition contractor in the nation consists of only 20 members, because of which it is ill-equipped to execute an undertaking of this stature and complexity.
Consequently, the If the land is indeed contaminated, such information must be intimated to the architect and the engineer supervising the demolition project. Failure to bring the existing pollution to the notice of the Government and the client can result in false pollution charges on the demolition contractor himself. Besides, the client may have inhibitions about constructing hotels and resorts on a contaminated site, because it could imply that other aspects of site’s environment, like the water sources available and the atmosphere in general might also be polluted and unsuitable for the construction of such recreational property. Thirdly, the site is located in the heart of Valetta, which is the most culturally opulent city in Malta. As such, the contractor must ensure that the site is adequately excavated and examined for items of historical or heritage value. The contractor must also establish clear and transparent protocol with government, to ensure that if any antique items are discovered, they are brought into the possession of the official authorities. He must also ensure that he receives fair reward in case such items are discovered during the demolition efforts. Fourthly, the contractor must proceed with immense caution so far as the stringent recycling requirements involved in the demolition contract are concerned. The Government of Malta’s guidelines on sustainability mandate that 90 percent of the demolition materials
Transport Malta Mission Statement: “The Authority’s mission is to promote and develop the transport sector in Malta by means of proper regulation and by promotion and development of related services, businesses and other interests both locally and internationally.” The Land Transport Directorate – Traffic Management and Road Safety Department Traffic accidents in Malta occur every thirty minutes. According to the ‘Energy Transport and Environment Indicators’ issued by Eurostat in 2012, Malta has the…
August 28, 2014 By CSB Advocates The Authority for Transport in Malta plans to issue a request for proposals for the development and operation of an all-weather marina with up to 240 berths and shore facilities at Sa Maison in Pietà.CSB Advocates is a leading corporate and financial services law firm in Swatar, Malta. Established in 2006, our firm handles a range of cross-border transactions. This has opened new avenues and scope for interacting with international consultants, all of whom are…
Alex Madden Case study: EU The EU is a unique economic and political partnership between 27 European countries that together cover much of the continent. It was created in the aftermath of the Second World War. The first steps were to foster economic cooperation: the idea being that countries who trade with one another become economically interdependent and so more likely to avoid conflict. The result was the European Economic Community (EEC), created in 1958, and initially increasing economic…
reputation for many reasons, for example propaganda or financial gain. History is normally conveyed from the victor’s viewpoint, usually giving a biased opinion of events and people of the time. These biased opinions are I feel especially true in the case of Cleopatra, as many of our historical records of her are portrayed from the Roman perspective. In today's mass media society these portrayals and opinions dominate the way we interpret Cleopatra as a woman and a Queen. Cinema and Television has…
accession between the mid-1970s and the mid-1980s of the smaller states of Ireland (1973), Greece (1981), and Spain and Portugal (1986). The second was the simultaneous accession of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Malta and Cyprus in 2004. In this paper, we will look at some lessons that we might learn from these two earlier waves that can help us understand the factors that will affect social policy in other candidate countries, particularly Turkey. What is…
life-threatening diseases such as: * type 2 diabetes * heart disease * some types of cancer, such as breast cancerand colon cancer stroke In addition, obesity can damage your quality of life and can often trigger depression. The cause of most cases of obesity is the person eats more calories than they burn off and the unused calories are turned into fat. Modern lifestyle does not help: * there is easy access to cheap, high-energy food that is often aggressively marketed to people * people’s…
DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY OF MALTA Project Management – Project Definition Report Naxxar Sports and Shopping Complex Table of Contents Preface ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Management Summary .................................................................................................................. 4 Background ...........................................…
Crown court and The Magistrate’s Court. However the court that made the precedent is not always bound by it. Statutory Interpretation is the process by which courts interpret and apply legislation. Some amount of interpretation is necessary when a case involves a statute. Sometimes the words of the statute have a plain straightforward meaning, sometimes they are more ambiguous. It can be said that Judges have too much power in terms of making law, and deciding what parliament meant when they made…
British Islands. • Appendix B if you are: • a Romanian or Bulgarian national. • a family member of a Bulgarian and Romanian national, who is in the United Kingdom, and is not exempt from the work authorisation requirement. In this case, you will also be required to obtain an Accession Work Card in order to take employment in the UK unless you are a member of an EEA country other than Bulgaria or Romania, or a commonwealth citizen with ‘Right of Abode’ or UK Ancestry visa. • Appendix…
Case studies a varied and attractive landscape, with good beaches. The Venetians. who occupied Zakynthos for four centuries, were so impressed by its beauty that they named it ‘Fiore de The impact of uncontrolled tourism on a small island economy and eco- Levante’ or, Flower of the East. Zakynthos has a rich cultural system can be dramatic. Zakynthos shares this potential problem rrirh heritage, from being acknowmany other Greek and Mediterranean islands. The problems of Cvprus. ledged in the ancient…