Male Reproductive/ Breast Worksheet
1. Number in sequence from 1 to 8 the passage of sperm through, and the formation of semen in, the structures of the male reproductive system.
Ductus deferens
Prostate gland
Seminiferous tubules
Cowper’s glands
Seminal vesicles
Ejaculatory duct
2. A 72-year-old man asks the nurse whether it is normal for him to become impotent at his age. The best response by the nurse includes the information that
a. Most decreased sexual function in older adults is due to psychological stress
b. Physiologic changes of aging may require increased stimulation for an erection to occur
c. Although the penis decreases in size in older men, there should be no change in sexual function
d. Benign changes in the prostate gland that occur with aging can cause a decreased ability to attain an erection
3. A 58-year-old man has difficulty starting a urinary stream, and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is suspected. Assessment of the patient for the presence of PBH involves
a. Palpation of the scrotum and testes for a mass
b. Palpating the base of the penis for enlargement
c. Palpating the inguinal ring while the patient bears down
d. A digital rectal examination to palpate the prostate gland
4. During examination of the breast, the nurse establishes the presence of nipple and skin retraction by
a. Compressing the nipple
b. Lying the patient supine with her hand above and behind her head
c. Systematically palpating the breast tissue in circular or spoke pattern
d. Asking the patient to lift her hands above her head and then press her hands on her hips while seated
5. When teaching a 24-year-old woman who desires to learn breast self-examination (BSE), the nurse knows it is important to
a. Provide time for a return demonstration
b. Emphasize the statistics related to breast cancer survival and mortality
c. Have the woman set a consistent monthly date for performing the examination
d. Inform the woman that professional examinations are not necessary unless she finds an abnormality
6. During the immediate postoperative period following a mastectomy, the nurse initially institutes exercises for the affected arm by
a. Performing full passive range of motion (PROM) exercises to the affected arm
b. Having the patient brush or comb her hair with the affected arm
c. Asking the patient to flex and extend the fingers and wrist of the operative side
d. Having the patient crawl her fingers up the wall, raising her arm above her head
7. Following a modified radical mastectomy, a patient develops lymphedema of the affected arm. The nurse teaches the patient to
a. Avoid skin-softening agents on the arm
b. Protect the arm from any type of trauma
c. Abduct and adduct the arm at the shoulder hourly
d. Keep the arm positioned so that it is in straight and dependent alignment
8. A patient undergoing surgery and radiation for treatment of breast cancer has a nursing diagnosis of disturbed body image related to absence of the breast. An appropriate nursing intervention for the patient is to
a. Provide the patient with information about surgical breast reconstruction
b. Restrict visitors and phone calls until the patient feels better about herself
c. Arrange for a Reach for Recovery visitor or similar resource available in the community
d. Encourage the patient to obtain a permanent breast prosthesis as soon as she is discharged from the hospital
9. A patient asks the nurse what the difference between BPH and cancer of the prostate is. The best response by the nurse includes the information that BPH is
a. A benign tumor that does not spread beyond the prostate gland
b. A precursor to prostate cancer but does not yet show any malignant changes
c. An enlargement of the gland caused by an increase in the size of existing cells
d. Benign enlargement of the gland due to an increase in the number of normal cells
10. The effect of finasteride (Proscar) in the treatment of BPH is
a. A reduction in the size of the