Submitted By fequaralph
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Making musical productions for sale to the public


Making musical productions for sale to the public

When one makes a song into a sound recording there are several steps to take before it can be sold in the market place. These steps begin with production mastering, manufacturing, distribution and then promotion, finally marketing. This results in sales. Making a sound recording requires a process of several steps before it can become marketable to be sold in music outlets or stores.


Lyrics and melody
The first part of this project begins with the composing of the story line known as the lyrics. This is the easy part, because in writing the lyrics the melody is created. The lyrics and melody are what most people relate to and remember most. This is where the theme from those words or phrases that we hear most clearly. They may excite us or bring forth some emotional action or may be a reaction; this step is usually created by the author or composer. The composer is the one who comes up with the original concept of the composition.

Musical orchestration
The next step is performed by the Producer who will arrange the musical orchestration. This is usually done by leading with a keyboard player sometimes a base player. This area of production is critical. The musical orchestration can be considered as the back bone of a musical composition, included in this step is the temple or drum line. Sometimes brass or horns and strings, (guitars, violins) are added to give body to the composition. Finally the voices are included, such as lead vocal, back ground singers and any other stand in vocals needed to complete the vocal track.
Recording studio
Step three is the beginning of the technical buildings blocks of a sound recording, which is the recording studio. Here is where the fancy work is done with all the effects are added including midi, which is how computers are linked and synced to the electrical instruments to run together as one. To make this process work, a skilled engineer must be employed who is informed in the technology of today in the music industry as well as the current style of music flavor, that the consumers desire. So the sound recording is sellable to