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Direct Quote
A student's aspirations and attitudes are influenced by 'the interplay of class alongside other equally important factors including for example, gender, ethnicity, levels of trust, selfconfidence and self-identification' (Fuller 2011,
p. 162).
Self-identification is one of many factors that influence a student's aspirations (Fuller 2011).
Fuller, C 2011, Sociology, gender and educational aspirations: girls and their ambitions, Continuum International, New York.
Book: Single Author
Indirect Quote
Book: 2 or 3 Authors According to Weinberg and Gould (2011)
this is evident (Weinberg & Gould 2011)
Weinberg, RS & Gould, D 2011, Foundations of sport and exercise psychology, Human
Kinetics, Champaign, IL.
Book: More Than 3
Allen et al. (2011) have found...
Special events are a celebration (Allen et al.
Allen, J, O'Toole, W, Harris, R & McDonnell, I 2011, Festival and special event management, 5th edn, John Wiley & Sons, Milton, QLD.
Book: Editor
(ed. Ashwin 2006)
edited by Ashwin (2006)
Ashwin, P (ed.) 2006, Changing higher education: the development of learning and teaching, Routledge, London.
When more than one editor, use (eds.).
Chapter or part of a
Book to which a number of authors have contributed
Boud (2006, p. 23) states that self-directed learning... Boud, D 2006, 'Aren't we all learner-centred now?: the bittersweet flavour of success', in P Ashwin (ed.), Changing higher education: the development of learning and teaching, Routledge, London, pp. 19–32.
Book: Organisation as Author
(Australian Bureau of Statistics 2011)
Australian Bureau of Statistics 2011, 2011 Census dictionary, cat. no. 2901.0, ABS,
Multiple works same author Marketing requires matching your customers needs (McDonald & Payne 1996, 2006)
McDonald and Payne (1996, 2006) state...
McDonald, M & Payne, A 1996, Marketing planning for services, ButterworthHeinemann, Oxford.
'...optimistic, indepenent yet good at collaboration' (Tapscott, cited in El-Shamy
2004, p.25).
Provide names of both authors.
El-Shamy, S 2004, How to design and deliver training for the new and emerging generations, Wiley, San Francisco.
When referring to the ideas or words of an author who has been cited in the article you are referencing Provide the names of all authors in the reference list.
McDonald, M & Payne, A 2006, Marketing plans for service businesses: a complete guide, 2nd edn, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford.
Provide the reference for the book that you actually read.
Main Examples - Harvard - LibGuides at Victoria University
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In-Text Example
Reference List Example
Direct quote
According to Cant (2010, p. 82),
'undernutrition in hospital patients is a condition that requires serious examination'.
Cant (2010) suggests that there is a need for more research into the nutritional screening of patients.
Cant, RP 2010, 'Investing in patients' nutrition: nutrition risk screening in hospital', Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 81-87.