Macbeth: United States Declaration of Independence and Great Teacher Essay
Submitted By jo305bigwork
Words: 728
Pages: 3
I have come to believe that a great teacher is a great artist and that there are any other great artists. Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human mind and spirit (John Steinbeck). You have been one of the most influential teacher and hero this semester for me. You have your own style of motivating students. The motivation I have gain from you has played an important role in my life and future success. You have played a big part this semester in my life and I am thankful. You have made me realized that the mission amd purpose I have for my life can and will happen. I remember the last question I ask you was "What's the secret to becoming wealthy and successful" and you answered making a change or doing what you love. You have made me realize that you can be colored, mixed, and half and still make a difference in society.You have explain how students are less aware in this generation and how students of this generation are less active and seek for no change. Instead of your class being a regular teaching environment you want a discussion class to attempt to raise awareness. You have become a great teacher and you are very passionate about what you do. I appreciate how you want to see change in our black community and hope for better in our society. As you continue to do the works of a superhero more teachers would want to be like you and posses the same skills you hold. One thing I have loved about your class is how you see a problem in our black community and address it. I was really excited when we had to write why black people use slavery as crutch and I explained how black people feel that the way of their low financial lifestyle is due to their past generations being in chained to slavery so their mindset uses slavery as a crutch and they do not realize they are free. I uesed a quote "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds" Bob Marley said. They feel like since their ancestors went through so much they shouldn't have to go through all the labor of these generations so they use the government as a leverage of finance and their reason is slavery.For many black people they feel that slavery is still apart of their lifestyle not only something that their ancestors went through but it is something that they go through mentally and portray it physically. Racism is still something that upholds slavery.Blacks want to blame everyone for their high crime rate, illegitimate birth rate, and uneducated kids.The difference between reasons and excuses is what black's fail to realize.They have a mental handicap or perhaps in some cases a physical handicap.Some use the crutch of poverty. Some the crutch of a lack of education. Others the crutch of a bad childhood or abusive parents. Blacks use the crutch of