MGT367 Learning Contract Proposal Essay

Words: 1743
Pages: 7

Assessment Item2:
Learning Contract Proposal

MGT367/Leadership Issues

Student’s Name:
Xinyi Zhang/11559176

Teacher’s Name:
Dr Vanaja Karagiannidis

Date: April 9, 2015

1. Introduction ……………………………………………………1
2. Theoretical Discussion…………………………………………1 2.1. Charismatic Leadership ……………………………..……1 2.2. Transformational Leadership ……………………………..2 2.3. Transactional Leadership………………………………….2
3. Managing Diversity Relates Leadership Issues…………..……2
4. Gap Analysis………………………………………………….. 3 4.1. Skills………………………………………………………3 4.2. Knowledge ………………………………………………..3 4.3. Abilities……………………………………………………4
5. The Most Relevant Leadership Theories—Transformational…4
6. Develop Learning Goals and Action

Whether it’s for leaders or organizational change, a fixed pattern of management way is inappropriate(Michael Z. H. &. Craig E. J. 2013). In order to avoid too much sway in the management process, the leader should carefully in the diagnosis of the organization's situation and the diversity of the most important strategic types, as many times as possible before they started the change of learning diversity and homogeneity of the potential costs and benefits, the individual and the organization as a whole, and make adjustment when necessary.

4. Gap Analysis
This part of the content will be divided three aspects to discuss and also combined with the relevant assessment tools and theoretical to analyze the gap with my personal leadership ability and the theory of leadership. More importantly, on this basis, there are critical reflection on personal skills and develop my personal leadership.

4.1. Skills
Cuephy(n.d.) leaded the skills is divided into basic senior leadership and leadership skills. In the basic leadership skills related to managing diversity mainly includes the learning from experience, communication, listening, decisive, provide constructive feedback and guidance for effective stress management etc. While advanced skills includes authorization, conflict mediation, negotiation, solve problems, improve the creativity and so on. On the skills, all these above need my hone in practice and how to blend in these skills to work