I. Introduction
A. Audience Hook- Have you ever wondered if organic foods are truly safer and healthier than their conventionally grown counterparts? In this presentation, I will introduce research that defines why organic produce is a healthier option.
B. Thesis Statement- Research suggests that consuming produce grown using organic methods is healthier because organic methods use healthier soils with fewer pesticides and organic produce has more nutritional value than food grown using conventional methods. C. Preview of Main Points-
i. Consuming organic foods is linked to higher nutrient and antioxidant intake. ii. Organic methods of growing produce use of fewer pesticides, which is linked to lower incidence of health concerns.
II. Recent studies show that choosing organic produce is linked with higher incidence of nutrient intake (Haskins, 2014)
A. Plant biologists have suspected for quite some time that produce grown organically yields the healthiest fruits and vegetables to eat (Nierenberg, 2014).
i. In a recent meta-analysis of 343 peer-reviewed papers, food safety regarding organic versus conventional methods has been analyzed (Haskins, 2014). ii. Overall nutritional value of organic produced has been proved to far outweigh conventional produce with values of nutrients up to forty percent higher (Chang, 2012). iii. Flavanones, which are linked to a decrease risk for stroke, have been shown to have levels sixty-nine percent higher in organically grown produce as compared with conventionally grown produce, (Lippert, 2009).
B. The lower nutrient levels in conventional produce are linked to farmers reducing nutrient levels to pursue higher yield (Nierenberg, 2014).
i. With organic methods, the nitrogen- rich soil yields higher nutrient rates as the plants are allowed to develop more slowly (Lippert, 2009). ii. The decrease in reimbursement to farmers for production has led to the need to increase production to maintain income levels (Chang, 2012). iii. High fuel costs and expensive processing equipment lead many farmers to continue with conventional production to increase yield (Nierneberg, 2014).
III. Food grown using organic methods has less incidence of pesticide contamination yielding less risk for health concerns due to pesticide consumption. A. Consumption of pesticides is linked to illnesses such as birth defects, nerve damage autoimmune disorders and cancer (Environmental Protection Agency, 2014). i. Prevalence of disease is dependent on the amount of pesticide consumption (EPA, 2014). ii. Fetuses, infants, growing children, pregnant and nursing mothers, and women of childbearing age are most at risk for adverse health outcomes from exposure to pesticides (Marhair, 2013). iii. Studies have shown that children who eat conventionally grown produce have significantly higher levels of pesticide metabolites in their urine than do children who eat organic diets (Marhair, 2013) B Overall pesticide levels are found to be ten to one hundred times lower than levels found in food grown conventionally (Nierenberg, 2014). i. Pesticides are chemical or biological agents that are used to protect crops from insects, weeds, and infections. ii. Presence of pesticide residue on produce has been found to be three to four times more likely on produce grown using conventional methods (Marhair, 2013).
IV. Conclusion- Supported by research findings, one can deduct that consuming organic produce is a healthier option than eating that which is conventionally grown. There are two main arguments for eating organic: fewer pesticides and more nutrients. Avoiding harmful pesticides can prevent disease. Serving nutrient-rich produce that is organic will definitely give you more bang per bite.
Visual Aid
Rationale for Visual Aid The use of the visual aid for this presentation clarifies the idea that the nutrient value of organic produce is