Personal Profile
I began competitively climbing at 13. When the new climbing wall opened at Westminster Lodge Sports Complex opened for the first time in 2012, I was one of the first individuals to ascend the wall in a taster session. Since I first reached the top I have been hooked on the sport. Since then I have competed on a national level, most notably in the BMC Junior
Championship in which I reached the National stage representing the South of England. Unfortunately I obtained a severe injury to hand and wrist ligaments and so therefore left the competition. I now train at least 3 times a week, each session lasting from 2 to 4 hours. Discovering climbing gave me a something I can be passionate about and a focus in life, and one still inspires me today.
Why must you seek medical advice before you start training/exercising? You must seek medical advice before you start training, so that you determine whether or not you are capable of meeting the physical demands of the training programme. This reassures you that you are fit and healthy enough to carry out the training programme and receive the benefits of the training. Name
Weight (Kg)
Height (Cm)
Activities Currently undertaken Frequency of training/exercise
Luke Rhodes
Rock Climbing
-High intensity
-2 to 3 times per week
Describe currently level of fitness My current level of overall fitness is very good, however my cardiovascular fitness is relatively poor
Aims to help me improve as a Rock Climber.
The components of fitness i have chosen to develop over the course of my personal exercise programme are as follows.
1. Muscular Strength (the amount of force a muscle can apply) is a component of health related component of fitness that I want to improve. Muscular strength is extremely important in a sport such as climbing where the ability to lift the bodies weight is key. I plan on using weight training to develop this aspect of my fitness. This will require me to gradually lift heavier and heavier weights and, lift my own body weight in more and more demanding ways over the course of my programme. When climbing a route the required ability to hold the body in position with possibly one maybe two fingers is paramount, therefore i will be focusing my training on finger and forearm strength as well as general upper body strength.
2. Muscular Endurance (the repeated use of voluntary muscles without fatigue) is also a health related component of fitness that i intend to improve over the course of my programme. I plan to use circuit training to improve this component of fitness by increasing the time I spend on each station every session. When climbing muscular endurance plays a key part no matter how long the route depending on the difficulty of the climb. You require, when climbing, the ability to repeatedly perform challenging movements, a person can be a strong as a bull, but if they can't use their muscular strength over a long period of time, their strength is useless. As I climb at a high standard I therefore climb either short extremely demanding routes or
longer, more intricate routes. The main issue with my current capability is that I can perform difficult moves, but cannot repeat these moves when nearing the end of longer routes.
Components of Health Related Fitness.
Muscular Strength
Muscular Strength is the ability to apply force and overcome resistance. When taking on a demanding move while climbing having capability to lift your own weight with minimal contact with rock face can make a or break completion of a route. The stronger your grip on the hold the lesser the chance of falling.
This strength also comes in useful in combination with speed, when you are required to climb dynamically or when performing a dyno (a dynamic jump from one set of holds to another), driving your body towards the next hold.
Muscular Endurance
Muscular Endurance is the ability to use voluntary muscles