Lost Property by James Maloney is a young adult novel that deals with relationships teenagers may experience. The novel, narrated by Josh Tambling, a seventeen year old high school student, illustrates what he learns through the progression of the story about his relationships with other characters. Josh learns that within a relationship, one must be completely honest to yourself and with other people. Josh learns that in relationships, he must be honest with others. He learns this through his older brother Michael as he travels up to ‘find him, and bring him home’. Josh also learns that he can’t always control what happens when in a relationship. Josh also realizes not to jump to conclusions about things you don’t understand.…show more content… • This idea is relevant with the episode with Clive’s suitcase. • Josh assumed that Clive was selling off lost property, and didn’t understand his action in buying most of the items back. • “the evidence is clear enough” (p 79) • Josh later realizes that it was an act of altruism. Clive’s returning his ‘special’ items can make one feel “so happy, so free, so alive” (p 9) • Josh also doesn’t understand Clive’s sudden compassion to the guy who was looking for his diary • Clive’s saw that he was generally looking for something he lost. It’s like the lady with her broche
After Josh finds his brother Michael, his view on life changes. Josh now understands why Michael left and is discovering that he needs to follow his own heart and be who he is. • Josh realizes that he needs to be more attentive with Alicia. • How he hasn’t been giving her his full affection for the right reasons, he feels like he needs to be a better boyfriend • However because of his neglect the relationship had fallen apart before he had a chance to fix it. • Singing the song at rehearsal in his own way, making the song his. • This is the first step in Josh coming out as who he is. • This reconnects the band back