Lord of the Flies Essay

Submitted By larapa13
Words: 2889
Pages: 12

Lord of the Flies Essay- Rough

Throughout William Golding’s novel “Lord of the Flies”, a major theme of power takes place. The author is trying to show that no matter what the scenario is, there will always be some a form of power to take or receive. Power comes with a great amount of responsibility that needs certain characteristics to withhold it. During this story, authority is not only taken and received but also abused. The main characters Ralph and Jack take authority due to being the oldest. Age does not coincide with any important traits needed in order to be in command like wisdom or leadership skills. In George Orwell’s book “Animal Farm”, the same concept is portrayed. Though in George’s story, the theme of power is shown through animals proving that supremacy is not always presented within humans. The main pigs in the story Napoleon and Snowball assume authority due to being the smartest. Knowledge does not correspond with any leader qualities like courage or strength. In both novels, the characters assume power and then take it for granted which affects not only themselves but also all the others surrounding them.
Overall the characters in Lord of the Flies and Animal Farm demonstrate the distorted manipulation that comes with taking or giving power, which will always result in mistreatment and exploitation of others.

Dominance can show up at any time and at any place, whether portrayed through an island or a farm, authority will always be assumed or given. In Golding’s book, there are no adults so the kids are absolutely astonished at the fact that they can do whatever they please ““No grown ups!” The fat boy thought for a moment” (pg. 8, Golding). Yet they all realized that some authority was needed to take place ““seems to me we ought to have a chief to decide things””(pg.22, Golding). In any situation where there are no grown ups, children tend to believe they can go crazy and do whatever they want, but when it comes down to it they know they cannot survive or control themselves without some authority nearby. This same concept occurs in Orwell’s novel. The animals believed that they could take over the farm and look after it without any human to control everything they do. “Man is the only real enemy we have. Remove man from the scene, and the root cause of hunger and overwork is abolished forever” (pg.9, Orwell). Taking power from man in order to revive their own selves seemed to be the solution but once the farm was handed over to the animals; power and control still took place. “The pigs did not actually work, but directed and supervised the others. With their superior knowledge it was natural that they should assume the leadership”(pg.27, Orwell). Even when the animals truly believed that removing the power from man can embrace equality and solve all issues, supremacy still seems to have sneaked it’s way through. One other event that takes place in Golding’s novel was when the main character Ralph lost his authority to Jack “”The conch is gone--” He ran forward stooping “I’m chief””(pg.181, Golding). Once Jack becomes leader, the kids once again think they can go wild and become savages due to being able to do whatever they want. But in this situation, Jack is still in control of whatever they do. Whenever the loss of authority takes place, it is quickly granted back by another form. Power is never truly lost but instead passed on, because there is no running or hiding away from it.
Not only do the characters assume the ability to rule, but they also lack in the true characteristics of someone in power. In “Animal Farm”, Napoleon and Snowball take the responsibility of being in charge due to their high rate of knowledge. “”Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back!””(pg.36, Orwell). These two are threatening the other animals to show that what they do as leaders is so important that the farm would be a failure without them. When in fact, the pigs do little to